Queen of hearts

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"I didn't hear you knocking." I said, without turning to face Mathew, who I knew was standing right behind me. "Actually, I didn't even hear you coming in." His eyes stayed fixed on the back of my head, burning scorching holes through me.

"You're ready." He stated, his tone laced with accusation and disapproval.

"It's not that I mind it or anything, you know, but do you think you can stop sneaking up on me like this?" I asked, deciding to ignore his statement. Mathew sighed and then one of his hands landed on one of my shoulders.

"I wouldn't have had to sneak up on you if you came downstairs when I called." He was probably right, I had to give him that. "Now, are you gonna drink that?" I glanced at the still untouched glass of Montrachet placed on the kitchen table, in front of me, and realised that no, I wasn't going to drink it. Even the thought of drinking the offendingly expensive wine appaled me. I didn't even know why I had poured the fucking glass. Shaking my head, I pushed it away from me, on a scowl. "All right, then we'd better get going. Gabriel's called me one too many times already. Appearently, we're late and the fucker is going apeshit."

"You don't get it, Mathew. I don't think I'll come, after all. Can you please make sure Lila gets there safe, for me?" I made to stand and walk away, but he wrapped his hand around my arm in a vice grip and held me still.

"Look, judge! I don't know what the hell happened between you and that fucker earlier and I honestly don't care to find out, but I'm not gonna get caught up in the middle of it." Recoiling at his harsh words, I tried to break the contact between us, but his grip was too firm. "You should also probably know that I've been told to manhandle you into the car, if you refused to come willingly." That didn't surprise me in the slightest.

"We both know that would be kidnapping and that it would be ilegal." A mocking smile formed at his lips.

"Look at me and tell me if I look like someone worried about those sort of legal things." Oh, fucking hell! He looked like anything but that kind of person, truth to be told.

"Well then, you should better get ready to do it, because I'm not budging." Heaving out an exasperated sigh and carefully brushing a hand over his suit, Mathew swiftly bent down and wrapped his arms around my thighs, picking me up and holding me against his chest, my entire upper body hanging limply over his shoulder. I groaned as I felt my perfect curls hang loosely, all the blood coursing through my veins running to my face. "Put me down!" I growled at his backside.

"Can't do. We need to get going. Where are your phone, keys and purse?" I rolled my eyes and squirmed, eager to free myself. "If you don't stop with that, you'll most likely fall and get hurt and then heads are gonna fall -most likely mine." Stunned into silence, but not ready to stop until he freed me, I kept squirming, my feet repeatedly bumping against his washboard abs. A pained, slightly annoyed groan left Mathew's lips, as his hand collided with my backside. "Now, would you stop squirming?" Still under the influence of the stinging, burning slap I'd received, my body stilled completely, my mind going blank. What the fuck had just happened? "Phone, keys, purse." Mathew grated and I pointed in the direction of my small walk in closet.

Pushing the door open with his foot, he just extended his hand towards my small, golden clutch and picked it up without as much as making a sound. My head turned to try and catch a glimpse of his expression, but Mathew was his professional, distant self.

"Phone and keys?" Closing my eyes, I gathered up what was left of my courage and took a deep breath. I knew that I would be refused even before opening my mouth to speak.

"Please, put me down." My voice was small and pleading and I could feel the vibrations of yet another one of Mathew's signature silent laughs.

"Sorry, judge, but that's not an option anymore. You chose to make things hard." I sighed, trying to brush off the desperation and emberassement that were quickly taking over me. So, instead of unleashing my wrath on the poor man again and risk getting slapped again, I just sighed and closed my eyes in an attempt to cool my temper.

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