"Havene. Hmm . . . I've never heard anyone call it that before. Do you have any special names for Krialle?" I asked.

"We do, indeed. The Island Nation. Krialle and the Forbidden Island are the only two continents all to themselves, yet they're close to each other. Vemira borders three other countries," he said.

"I wish Finishing School taught me geography," I muttered, then inquired louder. "Have you seen the far west side of Havene?"

He shuddered. "Yes, once. A storm took our ship off course, to the west side. None of the crew wanted to land on the Forbidden Island, so we steered all the way around it. I saw glimpses of strange little glows. Gave me the spooks."

"Oh," I looked out at the Forbidden Lands and smiled. Someday, I'd discover its secrets.

"Laris!" a different sailor called. "Back to work!"

"Come on, Old Man Laris," said another.

"Oh, sorry . . . for distracting you," I said.

"It was nice to have an excuse to take a break. I'm getting a little old for this, but I cannot leave."

"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm in love with the sea!" he chuckled. I laughed with him.

"I can tell why," I said. "Feeling the salty air . . . it's wonderful."

"Remember what I said about the mast. Maybe you can climb it someday. 'Sept don't do it in yer skirts. The men, well, er . . . " he blushed.

"Old man Laris!" someone called.

"I'm not that old," he muttered, as he headed back to work.

I glanced at the mast. It was high--really high, but it was sort of like a tree. If only I didn't have to wear a dress . . .

"Wait," I whispered to myself. I had an idea.

I ran below deck and opened my trunk. Where was it, where was it? Ah! I picked it up. There it was!

"What are you doing, Miss Fendway?" Headmistress asked, not looking up. I swear she had two sets of eyes. Her head was down, as she read a book.

"My dress got all wet," I said. It had, really. "I'm just going to change."

She turned around on her bed, to give me privacy. I ripped off my dress and threw on two things I'd saved before going to finishing school, despite my sisters' protests. A tunic and leggings. Proper ladies wore dresses. I didn't care. My tunic was gray with a hood and blue sash. The leggings were black. I slipped on my form-fitting boots and grinned. This was comfort.

I noticed a disapproving look from the Headmistress, once she'd turned around.

"You cannot break the deal," I said, "even if I act unladylike. You said I only had to be ladylike until the end of the school year."

"Yes, but I could have a few seamen throw you off the ship," she said. I was shocked at how casually she said it. Yes, Headmistress was scary.

I rolled my eyes and headed above deck. I eyed the mast mischievously. I was going to climb it. I bit my lip and looked around. All the sailors were at work. I creeped toward the mast and put my arms around it. But it was too smooth around, without any footholds, like a tree, and I slipped, getting a sliver in my hand. I heard laughing behind me, and I turned around.

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