Chapter Five

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Okay so I haven't written a chapter in a while and from now on I'm really going to try to update more frequently. :)

Tryouts lasted for about an hour. These girls were pretty competitive like me which only made me want to succeed more than before.

 "So girls good job today you won't find out if you made the team until tomorrow after school so be on the lookout the results will be up on the board by the office. Thank you for coming out can't wait to see how this season goes good luck and see you soon" Ms. McCoy gave us a round of applause and then exited the gym with coach Riggins. 

I parted from the group and made my way to my belongings when Alexis and two other girls walked up to me "hey Jordy great job today" she said cheerful then whispered "I have no doubt that you will be one of the ones that make the team you're pretty amazing on the court" 

"thanks" I say

"No problem. This is Julia and Sky" she slightly pulls them closer to us "they are my best girlfriends and I thought I'd introduce you guys" 

"hi" said Julia "you can just call me Jules" she extended her hand out to me. I looked down at it hesitating to shake it "hi" I say back giving her hand a quick shake. Everyone looks over at Sky  waiting for to do the same as Julia, but she doesn't, all she gives me is a quick nod and I do the same. My kind of girl I say in my head. 

Alexis rolls her eyes "sorry about her she's a little more like you. She's a introvert and says little to people she doesn't know" Sky speaks up and says "sorry Alexis we can't all be as friendly as you" 

"ain't that the truth" I say out loud by accident. Sky smirks and I began to take back what I said as to not offend her, but Alexis waves it off "It's okay really I understand and except both you guys for how you are" 

Alexis clears her throat before saying "so the girls and I along with a few of our guy friends are going to get something to eat do you want to come?" Sounds like too many people for my taste so I politely decline by saying maybe next time. The girls except for Sky wave goodbye and walks towards a group of guys. 

I gather the rest of my things and head out the gym. As I began to push open the gym doors someone holds it for me. I look up only to find the guy from the other night. I look him up and down and continue walking towards the doors to get to my car. I hear him jog a little to catch up to me before saying "wow still can't get a thank you?" I mumble out a quick thank you keeping my head focused on whats in front of me.

He scoffs but doesn't say anything else. We walk in silence until I realize he's been following me for about 2 minutes now "um may I ask why you're still following me" 

He smiles before saying "as much as I would love to follow you I have other things I have to do maybe next time." I roll my eyes.

he laughs then says "no but uh the parking lot is this way and seeing as how I need to get home I have to walk in this direction to my car where all of the other cars a parked so I'm not following you" well I feel stupid, but don't admit it. 

Once we're close to the doors that lead us outside he clears his throat before saying "hey you were really great today I think the girls have a really good chance at making it all the way with you on their team" I look over to him "thank you you're not the first to say that"

"well glad I'm not the only one that notices you're talent" 

I don't say anything . I notice how everyone except my dad is noticing how much talent I have. This stranger recognizes my talent, but my dad doesn't. Thinking about him only gets me upset so I take a deep breathe to calm myself. Once I'm calm I check the time on my phone and suddenly remember I have therapy today at 5 and its already 4:55 and it takes 15 minutes to get there. 

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