Chapter Three

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At my old school I didn't have to wake up until seven thirty because school didn't start until eight fifteen. Much to my dismay I had to get up at six because for some reason that I'll never understand this so called high school starts school at seven fifteen. 

 Normally I would procrastinate and get up twenty minutes before school starts, but today I couldn't because since I was new to the school I was going to have to get my schedule and find my way around the school. I didn't want to risk being late, so I had to ignore the fact that I only got an hour and a half of sleep and just get up. 

Before getting out of bed I did what every teenager does which is check their phone before doing anything it's like this unspoken rule that you have to check every social media account before starting the day. I don't really have friends so it doesn't take too long to go through my phone. Pushing the covers back the cold breeze hits my bare legs making me want to curl right back up and sleep all day even though basketball tryouts are today which by the way I am extremely excited for. If there's one thing that can take my mind off of sleeping it's basketball just thinking about being on a team again wakes me up and gives me a boost of energy.

I stood in front of my shower contemplating on whether or not I felt like showering. Showering leads to me getting my hair wet and getting my hair wet leads to me having to deal with it being wet for majority of the day. Turning the shower on I sighed I'll just have to deal with damp hair all day.

Before a long stressful day I would go through my routine of laying in bath water until my lungs burned, but I didn't have time to play around with death today I had to focus on making the team today. 

Walking into my closet I flip the switch already having my eyes on what I'm wearing today. Black and white Joggers with my black hoodie that says "I'm Chuck Bass" on the front of it. After I got dressed I packed my old basketball team's shorts which were blue and yellow, and a long sleeved black fitted shirt to change into for tryouts this afternoon. 

Almost forgetting to brush my teeth I rush back upstairs to do that very important task. I spit one last time in the sink before putting my damp curly hair up. I stared at myself in the mirror "don't screw this up Jor you've got this you're going to make the team" I lectured myself because no one else will. 

I ran downstairs to find my Nonna at the kitchen island eating breakfast "hey Nonna bye Nonna I'll see later" 

"wait, Jordy come back here a second" she called out 

I groaned internally I wanted to get to school as soon as possible "yes Nonna I have to get to school"

she put her hand on her hips "it's only six forty five you have plenty of time to get to school. I just wanted to talk to you before you left"

"yes Nonna what do want to talk about" I asked trying to be patient but let's be honest that wasn't really my strong suit. 

she sat back down before saying "Look I know you're going to try out today for the team and I just wanted to tell you to make sure you behave yourself I don't want you to repeat what happened at your last school. Whatever happens keep your hands to yourself don't hit anyone lord knows that poor girl didn't deserve to get hit"   

I scoffed "oh please Nonna that girl deserved it I should've hurt her worse than I did and you know it"

My Nonna laughed "okay darlin maybe you're right, but still I want to see you play again so please try and behave yourself can you promise me you'll at least try huh?"

I walked over to her and hugged her "okay I promise now I really have to go" I kissed her on her forehead "bye I love you see you soon"

The school was again only about a ten minute drive from here which I find strange, mom and Nonna always seems to get us a house close to where my school is. 

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