Body Language: Signs of Attraction

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The first thing you can usually observe in male and female relations is that the girl makes eye contact with the guy she likes, and once the guy has spotted the girl making eye contact the two of them will lock each others gazes for a few seconds until she looks away. The guy then confused, sits there watching whether she does it again, which she usually does and this time smiles or giggles a bit giving the guy the confirmation he needs to decide to approach the girl. 

 However, before doing so the guy and girl alike will both start grooming themselves: the guy will fix his tie if he has one on, straighten his pants and shirt as he gets up, and the girl will start playing with her jewelry, fiddling with her hair and crossing her legs. Once the guy reaches the girl to talk they will initiate a conversation of some sort - short into the conversation you can usually see how things are going.

 In the best case scenarios they are joking around, she is laughing as she taps his wrist, arm or shoulder sometimes even removing pieces of lint from his clothing as a sign of affection and caring. All these subtle physical touches slowly create an intimacy, as they are both opening up and getting comfortable in each others .

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