Know If A Guy Doesn't Like You:

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How do you know if a guy is into you? Well I say that it's the type of girl you are. Find out from your friends and other people what type of girl they think you are. Once you have done that find out what type of girl he likes from some people. After you have done that if you're not the type of girl he's looking for then you're not to meant to be and if you try to change who you are just for him you're just setting yourself up for heart-break. Don't change yourself to fit his expectations. They should love you for who you are.I think you should just find some other guy that likes you for who you are. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Watch body language. Body language says a lot about a person, if he rarely ever looks at you, or isn't smiling (and has a vacant expression) while looking at you, odds are, he isn't into you. If he's interested, usually he will be looking at you a lot, and he will be willing to start small talk. Watch his feet while talking to him. If they are pointing towards your direction he's interested.

Watch body language. Body language says a lot about a person, if he rarely ever looks at you, or isn't smiling (and has a vacant expression) while looking at you, odds are, he isn't into you. If he's interested, usually he will be looking at you a lot, and he will be willing to start small talk. Watch his feet while talking to him. If they are pointing towards your direction he's interested.

If he's talking to other girls, and not to you, it's just quite obvious that he's probably interested in one of them. It also may be a possibility he's trying to make you jealous, if your not sure, look at him, and if he's talking to the girls and glancing at you, that could be one of the signs he likes you and is trying to make you jealous.

When he's looking at you, look at his eyes; if his pupils get larger, then he likes you. This has been proven that if a human really likes something, their pupils will enlarge.

Drop something, anything, a book, a pencil, possibly right in front of him, if he is willing to help you, there is a good chance he likes you, especially if he starts conversation with you right after. Guys usually always help out girls they like. However, don't confuse liking with kindness.

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