Men's Body Language For Flirting:

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Observe your date's face. Most flirting starts with facial expressions. Here are a few things to watch for in your date's face:

The head tilt. If your date tilts his head slightly when he looks at you, you can bet he's subconsciously showing you he likes you.The eyebrow flash. In other words, watch for your man to lift his eyebrows when he looks over at you. Though subtle, men tend to lift their eyebrows quickly when they see someone they're attracted to [2][3].Flared nostrils. Often, a man's nostrils will flare slightly when he's interested in a woman. This gives his face a more "open" expression and betters his chances of appearing attractive to you [4].A flirtatious smile. There are a number of flirtatious smiles a boy can flash at you when you're just getting to know each other:The sneer. While this can come across as cute and coy, it's often an indication that the boy just wants something physical. This half smile is meant to look mysterious and alluring without inviting you to get emotionally attached.The closed mouth smile. This is usually construed as a good thing; he's into you, but he's shy. Don't be surprised if he takes a while to open up to you.

The smirk. This one is easy to get confused with the closed mouth smile. However, generally the smirk will come from one side of the mouth, whereas the open mouth smile will be the same on both sides.

Notice his eye contact. If you have just met, he may look away every time he catches you looking at him. As you get more comfortable together, you'll notice stronger eye contact and gazes that last longer than a couple seconds.

Watch his chest. A man keeps his torso pointed towards the most important thing in the room [5]. Therefore, a man who is interested in you will keep his chest and shoulders pointed at you, even if he is looking in a different direction.

Note that this also holds true for his pelvis. If you're standing apart and he keeps his pelvis pointed at you, even when he turns, he's probably interested.

Peek at his legs. If he's standing with his feet set wide apart, he's trying to look powerful and show off for you

Be mindful of his hands. If he hooks his hands on his belt loop or pockets, he may be trying to subconsciously move your attention to that part of his body [7]. Likewise, standing with his hands on his hips is a subconscious way for your date to look powerful and sexy for you.

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