I heard the sound of footsteps coming back my way and I stiffened, glancing towards wherever I could hear the footsteps coming from. My heart began to race in panic and I did my best to calm down again, attempting the saying once more but finding it that it wasn't working.

I swallowed heavily as the door opened slowly and my hands clenched into fists. I was prepared to fight back if he had returned but to my surprise it wasn't a vampire that entered the room. It was a woman, who looked to be in her late twenties if I was guessing right. She was carrying what looked like a rather heavy and rather large black bag over one shoulder. She bumped into something and cursed as she walked inside.

"Honestly! I don't understand how he can even live like this! In the dark all the damn time..." she began, trailing off at the end there before I heard a click and I was momentarily blinded by a bright light that filled the room.

"Much better! Now...who do we have here?" she said as I felt her look over at me before I heard her move over to me and I blinked several times to get my sight back.

"Who are you?" I asked in return as she came closer and I shied away from her and her bag.

"Tsk! I asked first," she said as she placed the bag down beside me and began to look around inside it.

"Aria," I said with a scowl. "Now who are you?" I asked her as I watched her pull out things from the bag. She snorted as she pulled out a small vial and a syringe.

"Name's Terry. Now shush for a moment," she snapped at me as she quickly grabbed a few more things - a bunch of bandages, tape and a pair of scissors - before she injected the needle of the syringe into the vial and filled it with the clear liquid inside.

I fell silent as she finished filling the syringe and moved towards me once more. I shied away from her as she brandished the needle towards me. I strained against the restraints, pulling away from her as best I could but I wasn't able to get away from her completely. I felt the needle prick my arm and I cringed visibly.

I could feel whatever it was in the syringe being pushed into my body. I frowned as my vision began to blur and I shook my head. My tense body began to relax against my will and I cursed softly as my vision to blur more and soon I was fighting to keep my eyes open. Eventually, my eyes closed on their own and I couldn't open them again. I could hear her starting to do something and I fought with all my heart to get free and stop her. But I couldn't. I felt her hands near my side before pain went searing through my body and I passed out from the pain.

*                  *                   *                   *

I woke again some time later feeling groggy. My body was drenched in sweat but I could feel, or rather sense someone near me and it was causing me to stir slightly. My eyes flickered open and I turned my head in the direction of the sound of tape being pulled out and torn. I blinked several times as the tape came into view and I frowned.

"Wha-" I began to say before I heard more tape being torn and someone spoke up.

"Do be quiet. I can't work while someone else is talking," came a voice I recognised as Terry from before.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded as I tried to get away from her once more but my body felt too heavy to even attempt to move.

"Shut it! I am dealing with your injuries and your wounds," she said as she scowled up at me from where she was taping up gauze and down near my ankles.

I scowled back at her before I looked away from her. My eyes fell on my cuffed wrists and I found out that they were loosened enough for her to work with. I frowned a little more before shaking my head and looked back at her as she finished dressing my wounds. I remained silent as she worked before testing the strength and just how tight my restraints were. Finding that they were going to hold no matter what I did, I scowled and just collapsed down into the pillows that I had since discovered now that I could actually see what I was doing and what was around me.

I hissed slightly as I felt her prick my arm with another needle and I narrowed my eyes on her as she injected me with something else. I blinked as I felt the pain I had started to feel now that I was awake slowly ebbing away.

"What the hell did you just give me?" I asked her as I blinked as she began to pack up.

"A pain relief medicine. It should last for the rest of the night and I'll be back in the morning to change the dressings on your wounds and give you some more of it," she said as she snapped her bag shut and looked up at me.

"Well it was nice meeting you, Aria. I'll be back in the morning," she said before she left the room and the door snapped shut and locked in place.

I sighed and collapsed back against the pillows once more. I stared up at the ceiling as I muttered several curses under my breath. I could still feel some of the pain in my side and I bit down on my lip before I closed my eyes once more.

How in the actual hell was I going to get out of here?

Hunter (Draft)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя