Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Kesha was laying in bed that night and Kelsey was sitting at the foot and they were talking and Kesha grabbed her brand new Mac book air laptop and logged onto Facebook. "It must be nice to have two Apple computers because you have a desktop and a laptop, that's awesome." said Kelsey. "Not really." said Kesha clicking on Khalil's name and she read his status that had just been updated. The status read: Fuck these stupid ass females and they emotions I don't give a fuck I do what I want mane stupid hoes I'm flying solo dolo bitch!!

Kesha showed Kelsey his status and she got mad. "I hope he talking about that bitch Tanisha cause I'll kick his ass, I don't give a fuck about him being a nigga." said Kelsey. "He make me sick." said Kesha. "I feel you." said Kelsey. Kesha commented on his status and said: who are you talking about? Kesha also saw thought Tanisha had commented on it before she did and she wanted to talk bad to her but changed her mind, and she seen a lot of girl writing on his wall talking bad about Kesha and they were glad that HE dumped her.

"Khalil did not break up with me so these hoes need to find something to do and stay the hell out of other people business." said Kesha getting mad. Kesha looked at the comment Khalil posted that said: mane get off my page ain't nobody talkin' bout y'all damn!

"Fuck him with his stupid ass!" said Kesha slamming her laptop close. "What the hell happened?" said Kelsey. "I don't ever wanna talk to him ever." said Kesha. Kelsey looked at Kesha. "Just let things work themselves out and if y'all get back together it was meant to be, if not move on." said Kelsey. "I'm not taking him back he cheated on me and Tanisha is probably pregnant." said Kesha looking at a text from Jalen and smiling.

"Oh my gosh! Are you smiling?" said Kelsey. "Yes, Jalen always texting me saying dumb shit." said Kesha laughing. "Girl he be clowning in class." said Kelsey. "I believe you, his girlfriend cussed him out on his wall and he went off on her and I had to talk to him cause he was the one in the wrong." said Kesha. "Wow these boys a trip now, except Johnathan." said Kelsey smiling. "Your lucky, don't lose him to his ex-girlfriend. I'm so happy for you too he be on his status talking about I love my girl" said Kesha smiling.

"I know, but you know what things will work out with you and Khalil I love both of y'all and I pray y'all work this mess out." said Kelsey. "I told him and I told myself that we are never getting back together, I'm moving on." said Kesha. "To Jalen?" said Kelsey smiling. Kesha smiled. "No, that's my friend and he has a girlfriend, I'm not gonna be like Tanisha." said Kesha smiling. "But Jalen likes you that's why him and Khalil never got along." said Kelsey. "Really?" said Kesha. "Yeah but Khalil has won you over." said Kelsey laughing. "Girl whatever that's history just like me and Zack." said Kesha laughing. "What happened to him?" said Kelsey.

"I haven't heard from him probably since Khalil had the wreck then he went M.I.A." said Kesha. "All." said Kelsey. "Yeah, I guess love just isn't for me." said Kesha. "Well maybe you should try and be friends with Khalil or something." said Kelsey. "Only God knows what'll happen between us." said Kesha looking at the ceiling.


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