Chapter 1 - Kidnapped Wali Girlfriend

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"Careful." Shravan found his brother by his side. Arun helped him sit up.

Shravan took his time and sat up, leaning against a pillow. He wondered if he just woke up from a hangover. Memories of the previous night came flooding in and he realized how bad the "hangover" was.

"Sanya!" Shravan was wide awake. The girl he loved the most had disappeared in front of his eyes. "Oh god, where is she?! She--oh damn! Bhaiya (brother), Sanya! Someone in all black took her! It was in front of my eyes. She's--where is she?! It's--"

"Calm down, Shravan." Arun quickly got up and held his brother's face. "We'll find her."

"She's--she's lost--no . . . she can't be gone!"

Arun held his brother to him. He knew Shravan dearly loved Sanya.

Stress and tension had taken over Shravan. The twenty four year old guy broke down. His Sanya, his beautiful Sanya, was taken away from him, right in front of his eyes. How could he have allowed that to happen? A tear escaped his right eye and rolled down his cheek. Who knew what condition Sanya might be in a foreign nation? It happened all because Shravan took her out against her disapproval.

Once Shravan had recomposed himself, Arun decided to ask: "Did you see the face of the person?"

Shravan shook his head which made the pain worse. "The person wore a mask."

"Damn!" Arun said disappointed. "It's okay. I already told the police to check the security cameras outside the shops in that area. They'll find the criminal and Sanya soon. Don't worry."

Sanya had done nothing. There was no reason for her to be kidnapped. Shravan was confused, angry, heartbroken, and pained. His confusion focused on why he was attacked and torn away from Sanya. His anger rose because he was helpless. He let her down. He shouldn't have taken her out when he wasn't supposed to. Arun saw how heartbroken Shravan was. His younger brother's wedding was supposed to be next month.

"Sanya," Shravan whispered to himself, shutting his eyes.

"Shravan, relax." Arun was worried about his brother's condition. The monitor showed a pacing heartbeat.

"What are we going to tell our parents?"

"The truth," replied Arun. As a lawyer, that answer was expected from him.

Shravan took his brother's hand. "No. Please. Just wait a little bit. We'll find her. Please. Sanya's parents are coming from Albany in two weeks. If we don't find her before then, then we'll spill everything."

"Shravan, lying won't help our case," warned Arun.

"Bhai (bro), please."

"What are we going to tell everyone about the whereabouts of Sanya?" Arun gave in.

"She--she--we'll say she went to see a friend," Shravan said. "She'll come back with her parents. In the meantime, we'll find her."

"What about your head injury?" Arun asked. "What lie to tell with that? I still haven't told anyone you're in the hospital."

"How did you find me?" Shravan wondered.

"The hospital had your cell phone. They called Mom, but thank god, I attended the call for her," Arun said. Shravan was grateful for that, too. His mother would've had a heart attack if she heard her son was in the hospital. "So, what're we telling everyone about your injury?"

"Just say I fell against something," Shravan replied nonchalant. He was more concerned about everyone else than his head. His mind was stuck on finding Sanya as soon as possible. "It's all my fault we got in this situation! Sanya didn't even do anything. I dunno why people kidnapped her! Or targeted us two."

Arun patted his brother's arm. "I've been through some of these cases. It could be for ransom, personal enemity, or whatever. Mostly, people know you're from America and so is she. That, I think, might be a big deal. Foreigners mean money or ticket to another country. But that's just a guess."

Shravan processed his brother's words. He could only nod because he had heard of this before and it sounded legitimate.

This country is cruel, thought Shravan. He wanted to leave, immediately. He was starting to hate India. This country stole the girl he loved. He had come for his wedding and all he attained was a lost bride to-be. Sanya, in no way, could save herself here. She was born and raised in America. Shravan could only pray for her safety. The brothers formed solid excuses and went over what was to happen within the next few weeks.

The doctor and nurse came in and checked Shravan. After receiving discharge papers, Shravan and Arun were ready to leave, preparing for lies that were about come. Their tension was disrupted by a familiar girl. She poked her head in the doorway of their room.

"Mumma, mum--" she stopped when she didn't see the person she was looking for. Shravan scrunitized his eyes at the tear stricken face. He had seen the girl before. Last time, she had been crying too. Hazel eyes, remembered Shravan. The girl looked troubled and her face dropped upon seeing only two gentlemen in the room. "Sorry." She hadn't recognized Shravan.

The stranger put a hand over her mouth, turned around, and left.

Shravan and Arun exchanged a frown.

They had bigger problems than a girl looking for her Mumma.


How is the idea?

Should I continue the story? The rest of the chapters will be in 1st person POV (either from Shravan or Ahar). Unless the public demands otherwise.

In no way is this a sequel to Dilli Wali Girlfriend. This book is a standalone. What do you think of their names (Shravan, Arun, Sanya, and Ahar)?

I'm still not over Sasha getting married. It'll be explained later.

Please please please please vote, comment, and share!! I would be forever grateful.

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