Chapter 9

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Sarah's POV

It's going to be kind of hard to forget what happened yesterday. But yet again, it's going to be even harder to forget about what has happened in past who knows how long. Here's what I've summed up so far: Jerad is going to be getting knuckles to the face pretty soon. He's the most unforgivable person so far. Jade is blinded with hearts in her eyes. It's going to be hard to break such saddening news to her.  To sum up everything, no one is trusted right now. Not even Lauren, the most trusted person here. 

Another day has started. I woke up at six am per usual. There were fifteen unread messages on my phone. Six from Lauren, and eight from Jordan, and one from Mason. They wake up at four every morning. All the more reason to start waking up early. 

As soon as I got out of the shower and having to suffer the torture that is washing my purple hair, my phone now had seven missed calls. It was all from the three people I listed earlier. I have no idea why they'd be so eager to call me this early in the morning. I guess I'll find out when I see Jordan on the bus. 

After finishing getting ready, I started my five minute journey from my condo to my bus stop. Something did not feel right. I had felt a feeling of safety with the slightest bit of fear. Basically how I felt in sixth grade about playing clarinet.  After being twenty minutes late, the bus finally came. I found a seat near the front like I do every morning. It's a struggle every morning to save me and her a seat. 

We soon pulled up to her stop and I could tell something was wrong when we pulled up. She is usually smiling when we get to her stop, but this time she had a straight face. She sat down next to me. She didn't speak a word the whole ride to school. Not until homeroom. Well, I wouldn't say she spoke. She screamed and fell to the floor then started rocking back and forth like a mentally screwed up person. 

Me and the teacher started freaking out, so we called the office. They didn't answer, so I just carried down to the office like a baby. Sucking her thumb wasn't helping it too much. 

The walk down to the office felt like the longest possible walk ever. It helped that Jordan was a fairly light person (for memories I'm not going to speak of). She let out some screams and even slapped me a few times as if I was carrying her to her doom. It might as well be, she's going to the counseling office. If they see her in this condition, it will end in another trip to the psychiatric unit of the hospital. Played music, didn't help. Gave a her a sip of water from my water bottle, she spit it in my face. 

We finally got to he-, sorry, the main office. That's what it feels like though. I sat her in comfiest chair possible (which was none of them), and waited for the next overly panicked kid to walk out of the wooden door you'd see in the kitchen of an old western movie. It was to my surprise the next person to walk out of there was, not Lauren, but Mason, looking almost as freaked out as Jordan was. He was the one who texted me the least this morning. 

I had to carry her into the office. You'd think a counseling session would be private, but no, not with Jordan. She'd much rather have me there than be there by herself. Last time she was alone, she nearly stabbed the professional. It took us about ten minutes to make her talk even a little bit. 

"Jordan, just tell us what's wrong." I yelled to her. "We'll listen."

"Mbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbm" she mumbled still rocking. 

"Honey, we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong." The counselor said in a slightly calmer fashion. 

The mumbling continued on. The only words I got out of it were banana and frozen. 

We let her gather her thoughts. Then after a hot minute of silence, she finally said something we wouldn't want to hear come out of a fourteen year old's mouth. 

"I found a serial letter taped," she said with a few mumbles in between. "t-to my front door." She pulled out a piece of paper that should belong to a sucker. I carefully took it out of her hand and read it with care. 

The letter read:

Jordan or whomever may read this, you have been warned. You and your little group's shenanigans have gone one for long enough. Try with all your might to get your precious band back, it's never going to happen, and I'll make sure it doesn't. And to make sure you or anyone else don't pull anything else, I'm going to let you in on something. I have all of your instruments, I have two of your members. You do anything to make me mad, something unimaginably worse is going to happen to them than what's going to happen to you. Watch your back and sleep with one eye open every night.

Anonymous. PS, which members you may ask, well, you're just going to have to guess. 

We walked out of the counseling office. Not a single word left our mouths. 

At the first sight of Mason, we all just walked out of the building. They didn't want to hear the cuss fest we were about to have through mumbles and panicked tears. 

Return of the Band Student (#3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن