Chapter 7

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Jordan's POV

I hope Jerad regrets what he did. That's all I'm saying. I'm actually thinking about chasing that car down and putting him in the trunk.

On another note, I'm having some suspicions as to Lauren and Zach's absence. Doesn't Lauren know better than to chase after a mysterious figure in an alleyway in Chicago? More importantly, doesn't she know better than to trust Zach at all?

"Sarah, why didn't you stop them?" Mason screamed at her.

"Well lately, her and Zach have been the most trusting people in our group lately."

"Since when have you trusted Zach with anything?"

"Since-" Sarah was cut off by the sound of footsteps.

"Hey!" I screamed running after Jerad trying to make a getaway. Man, Sarah has really lost every ounce of trust for any of us, and I don't blame her. The only people I trust as of right now is Lauren and Mason. Even with Mason I'm kind of iffy.

All of us began running after him down the streets of downtown Chicago. We must've ran for like five blocks. This chase stopped when someone tackled him out of the blue. And Jerad wasn't too pleased to see Jade jumping on his back. She didn't look angry. She actually looked extremely happy. Something tells me she doesn't know about his and Clair's hidden relationship. This ought to be good. Just saying, I never agreed to them being a couple.

Jerad nervously began to talk. "Jade, what are you doing here?"

"Well, when I got knock out by that baseball, you left me in that corner. I woke up with a squirrel challenging me to a staring contest. Then you left your bag of whatever, so I decided to find you." Jade said sweetly. "Why were they chasing you down?"


"More importantly, where did Lauren and Zach go?"

"He had nothing to do do with that." A high pitched male voice called out behind us. I turned around and the first thing I saw was this person's bright clothes. As my eyes were moving up, more details caught my vision. This persons skin was quite tan. His eyes were an unusual shade of green. His hair was so blond it was almost white.

Mason looked like he was about ready to pounce and murder this kid. But in the same breath, he looked terrified. If I were to take a guess, this would be one of Lauren's cousins, more specifically, Javonis.

But he was man enough (or as much as he would be) to stand up and talk.

"Why are you here?" Mason tried saying tough but he still sounded like himself.

"Why are you trying to act like the man you aren't?" He said as he completely burned him to the ground mentally.

Mason just went completely silent as everyone laughed really loud but then went back to the state of seriousness that we probably should've stayed in.

"Why do you have anything to do with this?" Jade asked.

"Well, sweety. Me, my fellow cousin Allysa, and some people you may or may not know are-" He was cut off by something unidentifiable.

For some reason, this person walked really slow. I guess they were trying to do a dramatic affect and it wasn't working. I only know one person who would even attempt to do that. 

"Jason, stop doing that you just look stupid." Javonis yelled. 

That's the one thing I will probably ever agree with him on. He really did look like an idiot. 

I'm just straight up confused. I have nothing more to say.

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