Chapter 5

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Sarah's POV

That was a strangely interesting question. Jerad always has seemed to have some really strong, romantic feelings for Jade. He was flirting with her the first day they met. Gave her a happy cupcake. Had a framed picture of him and her. Kissed her. Twice. What do they mean by that? If this is true, Jade is going to be more heartbroken than she ever has. All she wanted was to be happy. But yet again, we don't know if this is true. 

All of our groups gathered together and began planning it out. Mason's group is going to search the middle of town. Me and Andrew are going to search inside buildings and stuff like that. Jordan's group is going to search in alleyways and stuff like that. We made the rest of the band go home due to the power outage. Also we don't want to take fifty people with us. 

As Mason might have told you, I hate Andrew. Who made Mason the leader? Whoever did is a full blown idiot. Oh wait, I did. I feel stupid.

 Anyways, I think Mason put him with me on purpose. Mason can be a total jerk sometimes. Or he's too busy drooling over Lauren to pick me with someone that I won't want to murder. Andrew thinks acting like a jerk is a way to hit on girls. He has another thing coming. 

We walked into this one business building that looked like something a rich kid's parents would've worked in. The walls were as glossy as ever. The floor had whit marble tiles that I can see my reflection in. They had, you guessed it, white couches on each wall. It's way too classy for a person like me. 

"Andrew, why did you take us in here?" I asked. "There's no way Jerad or Jade would be in a classy establishment like this."

"Hey, you never know. Jerad's mom can work here." He responded like he knew what was going on when he clearly doesn't. 

"His mom works at a fast food place down the street. His house is basically the size of my garden shed. I wouldn't think she's have a house like that if she worked at a law firm like this."

"You just know everything about everything do you?" He said in almost a flirty like sense.

"Just saying, never going to happen. Let's leave."

We left the classy building where people were staring us down like we were complete and utter trash. I don't think we look that bad but okay. We walked out searched other buildings.

Zach's POV

I think Mason is the only one who's been really helping. We tried listening for screams. Didn't work. Tried listening to Jade complaining. Didn't work. Nothing has been working. A person would not stop bumping into me. It was a runner with his/her hood up.  Whatever. 

"Zach, would you stop fooling around with that jogger and help look for our friends?!" Lauren yelled to me.

"Who knows if they are our friends anymore. Jerad might be a traitor and Jade could possibly be in on it."

"Did you listen? Jerad's the traitor here. Jade would never betray us."

"Lauren, do you remember that one time Samantha betrayed you in second  grade?" That made her stop in her tracks. 

"What did you say?" She said slowly turning around.

I'm such an idiot. "Do you remember when Samantha betrayed you?"

Right after that last word she came charging at me. We ran for about two seconds before I ran into that jogger. My eyes were dragged by the sight of the light blue glasses that fell to the cement and shattered. I went to pick them up to be polite, and I was mortified with who I saw. It was Jerad Prostein himself. 

None of us knew what to do at that moment. It was either I would ask what was going on, or punch him in the face for not being kidnapped. Though the second choice seemed like such a better idea, I went with the one that wouldn't cause a scene. I grabbed Jerad and dragged him into a building with Lauren and Mason following me. 

"I thought you were kidnapped!" I screamed although we were in a super quiet room. 

"Uhhhhhhh" he said looking real nervous.

"Jerad, say something or I'm going to-" Lauren said getting cut off. 

"Alright! Do you swear not to tell Jade?"

"Well we don't where she is so I don't know how we could tell her..."

"Alright, Me and Clair have been..."

"SPILL IT PROSTEIN!" Mason screamed. 

"Mason calm down," Lauren whispered, then screamed "SPILL IT PROSTEIN!"

"Me and Clair have been-" He was soon cut off by Sarah running in followed by Andrew.

"What's wrong Sarah?" I yelled actually concerned. 

"I can't find Jordan, Nathan, or Minerva anywhere!" Sarah screamed hyperventilating. "At first I saw them across the street in the alleyway then the next thing I saw was a black convertible shoving them in a backseat. I saw Jordan being shoved in the trunk and the other two being shoved in the back seat."

"Sarah! Calm down. You're freaking out." Lauren yelled trying to calm her down which is funny because we're usually trying to calm her down.

"Well Lauren, would you be freaking out if you saw a bunch of people being pushed into a car? Oh wait, you would be. Because you are an anxious mess!"

They began arguing back and forth and even threw a few punches. Sarah even bit her. Mason tried breaking it up but he ended up getting in the middle of it and got bit by both of them. 

All I have to say right now is that I think our bond is breaking apart. 

But the thing I heard that stopped the fight, was a loud scream coming from across the street. 

Return of the Band Student (#3)Where stories live. Discover now