Returning -45

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"Kayley, Kayley, Kayley," I hear someone shaking me awake.

"What?" I mumble.

"It's almost noon," I hear the voice I know recognize as Louis.

"What?" I say sitting up in my bed immediately.

I look over at my clock sitting on my bedside table. It doesn't say noon it says 8 am. "

"Why would you wake me up Louis?" I say laying my head on my pillow, "It's Sunday morning."

"Because I just have such a huge announcement I can't wait to tell you it." He says excitedly.

"Well... What is it?" I ask curiously.

"We're moving!" He says.

"WHAT?" I say literally jumping out of my bed.

"Before you freak out I would just like to point out we're moving a couple neighborhoods down." He tells me as I breathe a sigh of relief. "I've just decided we needed to try a more 'normal' lifestyle."

"How 'normal' can you get when you live with one of the most popular boy bands in the world?" I ask him.

"Well yeah that's the thing, it's just going to be you and me." He says.

"Wait? You mean that we're going to be the only ones living there? Like no Liam, Harry, or Niall?" I ask.

"Yes, but obviously they'll still visit us." He says.

"Yeah we will!" Niall says sticking his head into my room. Louis gives him a look and points to the door signaling for him to leave.

"Anyways, I've already have the house bought and all of that fun stuff, I woke you up early because we're moving, today." He tells me.

"Today?" I ask I totally planned staying in my pajamas all day maybe video chatting Laykin or Jason. So much for that.

"Yes! Now get on some clothes and start packing because we have a lot to do." He says walking out of my bedroom, as he walks out Liam walks in carry some boxes I assume that were for putting my belongings into.

"Thanks Li." I say smiling.

"No problem kid." He says ruffling my hair.

"Excuse me sir but fifTEEN as in teenager." I say as he walks away chuckling to himself.

For the rest of the morning I put my music on my iHome and began to jam to music as I threw all my junk into boxes. I never knew how much stuff I had until it had to all be put away. Randomly each of the boys would come in and help me for a while; it was nice to have some personal time with each of them which doesn't happen often because of all of our busy schedules. Around noon I began to get hungry so I went down to the kitchen and made a snack. I don't really know why but Niall and Harry were playing some sort of game with food and I knew they'd get into trouble later for wasting the food.

"Almost done?" Louis asks appearing beside me.

"I guess. None of my furniture is packed though." I tell him.

"That's what they're for." He says pointing to the two idiots wasting food.

"I'm not just a piece of meat." Harry says fake crying.

Niall just shrugs and starts walking to my room to get the furniture I assume. Harry soon realizes no one really cares about his fake crying and leaves also.

"Okay I have some questions and concerns about this house." I say.

"Go on." Louis tells me.

"How many bedrooms does it have? Will I have my own bathroom? Is it as big as this house? Do we actually get to have neighbors? Is it close to my school? How far away is Laykin's house?" I ask as many questions as I could think of.

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