Rivals Galore

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Chapter 9

Grass flies as you sprint to the old campus. "Late late late!" you yell. Finally, it comes into view, and you quickly make your way to the entrance. You rip open the door and bolt down to Class E. You slide the door open, knowing you were bound to get lectured. "I'm sorry I'm –"

An anti-Koro bullet shoots past your head.

And then a lot more do.

A black box in the back of the room with some chick's face on it points its rather large guns at Koro-sensei as it releases round after round of bullets.

"Quite the sight, isn't it?" You jump, and look to see Karma to your right. "You're late too?" he asks, raising his voice so he could be heard over the shooting.

You nod. "I slept in on accident. I'm still getting over that cold I got after falling in the water."

Karma shakes his head. "How careless of him to take you to the lake on a day where it stormed." There's a break in the barrage of bullets, and you're able to bring your voice to a normal level. Before the shooting can start back up, you both make your way to your seats.

"For your information," you say, turning in your chair to face Karma, "Gakushuu had been planning for the day that I tagged along since the beginning of the week. It's ridiculous to expect him to change that."

Karma leans in, resting his head on his hand, smirking. "Ooh, so it's 'Gakushuu' now. Next thing I know you'll be calling him Gaku." Internally, though, he's rather irked by the notion.

"What," you say dryly, "you want me to call you Kar?"

"Like a car?" He kicks his feet up on his desk and puts his hands behind his head as more bullets start to fire. "Sure, sounds good to me. Vroom vroom."

"Yeah, I'm not calling you Kar." You turn back to watch as Koro-sensei's arm gets blown off, which is enough to make you pause. Seeing this, you get Nagisa's attention. "What's going on?"

"Meet the new student, Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery," he says, glaring at the machine. "Sent in by another country to kill Koro-sensei and get the reward money."

AIFA begins going over the chances of killing Koro-sensei by the end of the year, while the octopus lectures her on firing in class. Despite Koro-sensei's efforts, there are constant bombardments of bullets, many of which result in your teacher losing a limb or two.

Finally, the day rolls to an end.

"Well," Sugino says, leaving the classroom, "that was a total waste of a school day."

"You can say that again," Isogai agrees.

Leaving with Kaede, you see Karma and Nagisa walking together. "Hey," you say, "you guys want to walk home with us?"

Nagisa nods, and then looks at Karma. "Sorry," Karma says. "I have something I have to take care of."

The three of you watch as Karma leaves, then Nagisa approaches you, looking mildly confused. Kaede gives you the same confused look.

"Did something happen?" Nagisa asks. "Normally, you wouldn't invite Karma to walk with you."

You shrug. "I can't exactly hate him after he helped save Kanzaki, Kaede and I during the trip." You don't mention the "dream" you had that you're beginning to think wasn't a dream. The idea of sleeping on Karma's shoulder still confuses you greatly. "Still," you say, "I fully intend to outdo him in tests and killing Koro-sensei. He remains my one and only rival."

"Ah, that makes sense," Nagisa says, satisfied.

Gakushuu walks out of the main campus. He had stayed late to tutor one of his classmates, and leaves just in time for Karma to find him.

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