Water is Evil

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Chapter 8

"Mnh...." You slowly open your eyes. Lifting your head, you notice that you were laying on something, or rather, someone. "Oh, hey Karma." He's asleep, and doesn't hear your greeting.

You get up and walk inside, dragging your feet. Your shoulder hits the wall and you stumble a bit.

Isogai walks out of the boys' rooms, and notices you. "Hey, (L/n)," he says. "You look tired."

"Hey, Sugino," you say groggily, getting a confused look from Isogai.

"...Are you awake?" he asks.

"I dunno," you respond, not making eye contact.

"...That's a no." He watches as you stumble towards the girls' rooms. He sighs. "I'll go get Nagisa."

You walk into the open room, and fall over. If you weren't asleep before, you are now. You snore softly as someone comes out and sees you. Nakamura looks down at you, sighing. Squatting down to look at you, she pokes you. No response. With a smile, she leaves then returns with a bucket of water. You can guess what happens next.

You yelp as you feel the cold water splashed across your face. "I'M AWAKE!"

There's a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" You recognize it as Nagisa's voice. Nakamura lets him in. "Why are you...." Nagisa looks at the bucket in Nakamura's hands, and answers his own question before he has to ask why you're wet. "Are you okay? Isogai said you were sleepwalking."

"Really?" you say. "I had such an odd dream...." You remember Miyo being in your dreams and look down. "You might actually call it a nightmare."

"Jeez, you disappear for the night and come back covered in water?" You turn to see a rather irked Kaede. "Where were you last night?"

"I fell asleep on the terrace. I must have sleep walked here. Nakamura woke me up with a bucket of water." You shrug. You remember something, though – why had you dreamt that Karma was on the terrace with you? Shaking your head to clear it, you stand up. "I'm fine, guys, quit worrying. I'm gonna take a walk before I grab breakfast. Oh yeah, and I'm meeting with Asano today."

Kaede catches up to you while you leave with Nagisa. The three of you walk past the terrace. You glance out the window to see that no one is on it, and shrug. Descending to the lobby, you buy some waffles and grab some syrup.

You start pouring the syrup on your waffles when you think back to your dream. The part about Miyo had ended when you had completely relived the event, but you also remember something else. You vaguely recall resting your head on Karma's shoulder....

Wait, you think, why would I dream that up? It doesn't make sense. Why dream of sleeping on someone you hate?

Kaede pokes you. "Uh, (Y/n), don't you think that's enough syrup?"

"Huh? Wha?" You look to see your waffles totally covered in syrup. "Crap."

Suddenly all of the students in the lobby go quiet. You ignore it, attempting to eat your soggy waffles. You look at them with mild disgust, but eat them all the same. Regretting not putting butter on the waffles, you swallow them in all their slimy goodness.

"That looks repulsive," comes a female voice, sounding appalled. You look up to see Shiki Hanekoma, a girl who was in your class the previous year. She brushes her pink hair behind her ear, looking down at the three of you sitting at a table.

"Would you like some?" you ask. "Something as repulsive as this matches your personality." You smile brightly. You had always hated Shiki.

Before she can respond, Asano steps in front of her. "Alright, that's not what we came here for." Kaede and Nagisa shift around uncomfortably, reminding you that E Class was uncomfortable with Class A. That was probably why the room had gone quiet. "I guess we came a bit early," Asano says, looking around. "I had expected most of you to be out in Kyoto by now."

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