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I wake to the sound of the same old alarm clock. I open my eyes and stare at the all too familiar ceiling before shuffling out of my plain room.

"Here we go again." I sigh.


Let me get straight to the point, my life is a living hell.

I work pretty much everyday from 11am-8pm, organizing crap that the Shiganshina University students neglect to keep track of. Very thrilling, I know. Everyday is exactly like the one before. I wake up, I eat, I go to work, I sort shit, I go home, I eat again, I sleep, and the cycle continues. On the small chance I get the day off, I spend it alone, or occasionally with the only two friends I have: Four-Eyes McPsycopath and Eyebrows McTall.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this isn't my fault or anything; it's entirely my fault that my life is turning out the way it is. You can't expect much of a high school dropout. I was fully aware of the path I was taking when I made the decision back when I was an immature idiot.


I stand on my toes and stretch my arm to it's limit in an attempt to reach a box of cereal I put up on the top shelf.

"How did I even manage to get that up there in the first place?" I mumble.

I kick a small step-stool from underneath the table and relocate it to underneath the cereal box.

Curse my height.

I finally got the cereal and made myself a small breakfast. I only have a half hour to shovel the tasteless food in my mouth and replace my sweatpants with my work uniform before I have to walk to the university for yet another day of bullshit.


"Good morning Levi." My partner spoke as I walk through the door.

"Morning Pixis." I answer.

I make my way to the back rooms where we have everything stored and organized into specific categories. It's just Pixis and I here, he manages the front desk and I handle all of the retrieving and organizing because I'm much younger than he is. Pixis is his last name, but he doesn't mind that I call him that, I have a thing with calling people by their last names instead of their first. I sit down at the little desk I have set up in a corner and start going through the pile of stuff Pixis probably placed there. He usually goes around campus after I leave and collects any stray items left behind for me to organize in the morning.

As I'm going through the the pile of items I notice a leather book. It doesn't have anything written on the cover or the spine. I'm just about to open it when Pixis walks in.

"Looking for a black sweatshirt with the number '17' on the back." He announces.

I put the book back on my desk and walk over to the box of clothing. After abut a minute of rummaging I find the sweatshirt and hand it to the boy at the desk.

"Thanks." He nodded and turned to leave.

"No problem Jean, have a good day!" Pixis yells.

I walk back to my desk and stare at the leather book. It looks like it's some sort of journal or something. I pick it up and feel the smooth leather with my fingertips. Something tells me to leave it alone and continue with my job, but the book is just so tempting.

No, this is wrong, I'm invading someone's privacy.

Reluctantly, I put the book away.


So, that was the first chapter! I spent a couple days on it; changing it, editing it, and changing it again to make it a chapter that meets my standards. I'm actually going to try real hard on this one, so stay tuned. If you find any spelling/ grammatical errors, don't hesitate to point them out.


The Inner Ramblings of an Unknown Brat (Ereri/ Riren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang