Thank yous & what's next

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Thank you kindly for reading DESERT WAKE!  Your reads, comments, and all those generous votes really made a difference to May and Ro.  They're fighting the good fight, and you're part of that fight now, faithful reader.  I owe you a scrappy goat and the location to some desert watering holes! 

Now, once again, I'm asking for your help.  I've got a ton of stories floating around in my mind and I'm having trouble deciding what I want to focus on next.  Here's what I've got:

1. This story could do with a sequel, so that's one possibility. 

2. I'd love to create another Fold book (more closely associated with Clara and her batch of characters). 

3. I've been mulling over another totally unrelated and possibly more salacious book called the BLOOD KING.  The title should give you a vague notion of what that might entail. [UPDATE: THIS IS MY CURRENT WIP AND IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO READ ON MY PROFILE!]


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4. And finally, I have a YA fantasy manuscript called THE CUNNING FOLK about a girl forbidden to do magic who does it anyways.  I wrote the first 80% of this story almost two years ago for NaNoWriMo.  Now it sits, about 90% done, and I REALLY want to finish it.  Putting it up on Wattpad would make me accountable to all of you and this would force me to focus on it and finish it.

So, my question to you is... what do you want to see me prioritize next?  One of these, or something else all together? I would LOVE your input!

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