Ch. 12, pt 2: The Up and Left

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Just as I'm driftin' off, one arm sprawled lazily across Ro's chest, the door gits a poundin'.

"Ro? May?" It's Vern callin' to us. "Tegan says she saw some people approachin'. Maybe three or four."

Ro is already out of bed, buttonin' his fly, grabbin' fer his boots. "Where?"

"Comin' up from the pass."

"I'll check it out," Ro tells me. Just like that we are back to our state of vigilance. I hand him Frank and search the floor fer my undergarments while Ro throws on a shirt. "Get all our stuff together, May, and meet me downstairs."

He slips out the door. Two sets of boots echo down the corridor and then I'm left with nothing but the howlin' of the wind. I run to the window, but it looks out to the north, not the west. There ain't nothin' but dust on the glass and more dust on the landscape beyond it.

'Fore long, everything's packed again and ready to go, in case we have to make a run fer it. I'm just about done strappin' closed Ro's pack when he surprises me by comin' back sooner than I expected.

"Well, Ro?" I secure a final buckle. "What's the word? We got anything to worry about?"

"No, dear, nothing to worry about." Low, cold voice. Ain't my Ro.

I swing 'round, but only git part way 'fore a big burly hand clamps down over my mouth. The stranger's other arm wraps 'round my waist, cinchin' my arms to my sides. I squirm as best I cain to try to wriggle my way free, but this man—he's strong. I let out a scream but not only is it muffled by his big meaty palm, he works his fingers over my jaw and squeezes it shut, hard. He keeps the pressure on, till I cain tell he's givin' me finger-shaped bruises on the lower part of my face.

"You've already said all you need to." He sounds like he just won a prize at the town fair, like manhandlin' a woman half his size is the most fun he could be havin' with his day. "There's no point in straining that voice of yours. Now, do as I say and you may just walk away from all of this. I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth and you're going to keep it shut. No noise. Nod if you understand me."

I don't know what else to do. Ro has Frank, so I ain't got no weapon. My attacker's standin' behind me and all he'd have to do is twist my neck just a little too far and that'd be the end of May June Stebbins. What cain I do?

I nod.

Slowly, the man lowers his hand. "Good girl." He steers me towards the door. "I'm going to assume when you called out for Ro that that is your pet name for a young man named Rordan." His hand is an anchor on my neck as we walk slowly forward. I keep my mouth shut just like he wanted me to, but now he gits a bit miffed about it.

"Rordan. Is that the name of your—companion?" His hand grips my neck now, pressin' into it until I wince. I don't respond, so he says, "Tell me now, girl!"

I won't. Now that I know he's here fer Ro, and not just to attack travelers at random, I got me an inclination to be as obstinate as possible. We reach the top of the stairs.

"Go to hell!" I cry and then stomp on his foot as hard as I cain.

"Bitch!" He's angry, but I've surprised him enough that he's loosened his hold. I jab my elbow back into his chest and then I run, takin' the stairs two at a time.

No sooner have I reached the first landing, then the man has recovered and is on me again. He flies down the stairs, slammin' me into the wall 'fore I cain turn the corner and keep goin'.

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