Ch. 11: Hope Stretched Across a Sea of Dust

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Our change in fortune's downright confoundin'. As I look 'round the cave, all them traders workin' out travel details with Tegan and Ro, I recall my disbelief that Ro was real when he came out of the gulch that first day. That's how I feel now about all that's happenin' to us. I had been under the impression that I'm the kind of girl who gits stuck with an alcoholic guardian, slimy, gropin' men, and a dyin' farm and ain't nothin' I could do 'bout it to change my lot. But I was as ignorant as them folks in the Regions, thinkin' there was a real distinction 'tween people, that luck was something you was born with or without and that was that. Now I know—I'm the kind of girl who escapes a dyin' farm with a man who managed to find his way to me through a sea of dust. I'm the kind of woman who determines her lot.

And now, we've got more than just our determination and a scruffy goat to git us out of this desert. We found ourselves allies, just when we needed 'em. Seein' as though I have some trust issues, I hold onto a lingerin' doubt that Tegan truly is willin' to orchestrate not only our passage out of the desert, but also what Ro refers to as the dissemination of his booklet. Her plan is fer her trader companions to reroute. Ain't no cargo they're currently haulin' that cain compare in value to Ro's booklet, so now they got themselves a new priority.

Tegan says there are already copies of the copies in the north and northwest, and most likely some along the western coast as well. But folks in the other directions is still purdy much livin' in ignorance. Them traders aim to change that.  Tegan's sons will take two booklets northeast to their home town. Two more will head with theirs directly East, a trader named Cheri will take two with her to her home near the southeast Region, and a sixth trader will deliver two more directly south.

Once all of 'em git where they're goin', they'll start writin' out copies and spreadin' the word. They'll give the copies to their trader friends, with the end goal of gittin' 'em across the borders into the Regions. I don't have to remind you how dangerous this'll be fer 'em, yet none of 'em flinch at Tegan's orders. They're livin' in hope, these traders, and hope's a powerful motivator.

The six traders leave, start walkin' in their intended directions. Tegan kisses each of her boys 'fore they go. "Take care of yer little brother, ye hear, Vlad?" she gives her oldest a quick hug and her youngest a knowin' wink. "Don't let him git into no trouble."

"All right, ma." Vlad squeezes her hand, then he and his brother is out of the cave and gone.

I look 'round, assessin' the situation. We got us two remainin' copies of the booklet, and three traders, includin' Tegan. "Yer no longer headin' south," she tells us. "Ain't nothin' fer you there."

I'm about to tell her that that's the point. We wanna find somewheres where there ain't nothin' and nobody who'll bother us. And besides, where is it she wants to lead us to that she thinks is so special? Fer all I know, it's a lawfolk holdin' cell she's set her sights on. Soon as I open my mouth, though, Ro steps in. "What do you know that we don't, Tegan?"

Tegan smiles, gives Ro a motherly pat on his shoulder. "I know a way out."

"A way out of the desert, you mean?" I'm a mite confused, cuz I don't exactly consider this news. She is a trader after all.

She leans in towards us both. "A way out. To where the law won't never follow you. I know how to set you on the course of freedom."


We're takin' our remainin' copies west. Tegan, along with two more seasoned traders named Gina and Vern, will come with, cuz Tegan's real set on her goal of keepin' us from gittin' killed or captured. They promise there ain't nothin' more they wanna do than to help us, and with that grim determination buildin' up in 'em, it's hard not to believe in their sincerity. It don't mean we ain't nervous about the direction we're headin', though, especially Ro. I'm glad he still has enough sense left in him to question Tegan's plan.

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