"mkay daddy" she says rubbing her eyes and yawning due to us being out to late hours.

"Let's get you home and to bed. we have school tomorrow." I say a little louder than a whisper. She simply nods and rubs her eyes while yawning and squeaking a little.

"Tired?" I ask her, she nods groggily in response

I pick her up and start running to our house. When I get there I find my mom sleeping on the couch and Layla's best friend, and our family friend, Reena Hookfang, was curled in a ball under a blanket on the love seat. She had fallen asleep before our walk so we didn't wake her.

"Ree, come to bed." I say quietly. I used to babysit her when she was little and she's like my sister...sorta.

"I dun wanna." she murmured turning over. I sigh and pick her up in my empty arm, caring her and Lay to their bedroom.

I went back downstairs to wake up mom and sent her to bed, soon going to bed myself.


The next morning, I went to wake the girls. Reena stayed cause her parent had business elsewhere and they only really trusted me and mom with her and her baby brother Jonathan, who I call Jonny when no ones around. Hehe.

"Come on girls. Get ready for school. Grandma Mary is making pancakes and bacon." I say groggily. I then leave to go get ready, meeting them in the kitchen for breakfast 30 minute later with my hair and 'makeup' done. today is only eyeliner.

There sits my mom, Reeena and her long light blonde hair, and Layla with her long black and white hair. I sit down and eat.

After about 15 minutes, we make our way to the living room where we put the girls hair up in long pigtails, and I fixed Layla's cute little fringe.

Knock Knock Knock-Knock

"Johnnie, Alex is here to pick you guys up." Yelled mom from the kitchen as soon as the petite girl with black and red hair walked out the of the kitchen.

"Ahhh oui, merci." She said, laughing, to my mom

"ready?" I asked the girls who nod in response. Alex is my best friend who has helped me with Layla over the years.

"Mornin' loves." she kissed their cheeks and hugged me lightly. I heard a quiet whine from the baby monitor.

"Be right back, then we leave." I said, running up the stairs two at a time getting to my room where the baby is wiggling in his crib.

"Hey there Jonny. good morning buddy." I say smiling "ready to have a day of fun and adventure with grandma Mary?"

He coos and looks up at me and starts to suck on his shirt. I pick him up and go down stairs, kissing his head, handing him off to my mom, and we walk out the door.

School was about a mile walk so we start walking.

"Since when do you call him Jonny, Johnnie?" she asked

"Wait? how did you- oh. baby monitor?" I asked earning a slight giggle from her

"Yep. Now answer the question"

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