Chapter 23

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     I gasp and turn my head in the direction of Aidan's voice, disconnecting my lips from Christy's. Aidan's lips are trembling and tears are starting to build up in his eyes as he looks between me and Christy in hurt and confusion. There's a blue plastic bag at his feet, but I pay no attention to it as my main focus lets out a little cry. I take a step forward and Aidan backs away. 

     "Aidan-" I say as I reach a hand out towards him. He just shakes his head and a small sob escapes his lips. I feel my heart clench at the sound and I can feel desperation forcing itself into my body. Aidan takes another step back. Tears are sliding freely down his beautiful face, and he makes no move to wipe them away. He shakes his head before turning away and dashing out of the house. 

     "AIDAN!" I yell as I run to the door. By the time I make it onto my porch he's already in his car and pulling out of the driveway. I run out unto the grass and yell his name, begging him to stay so I could explain things, but he ignores me and speeds down the street. I drop to my knees and tears of frustration begin to make their way down my face.  

'     What have I done?' 


     (Ten Minutes Earlier)

     I sigh as another Criminal Minds episode begins. Truthfully, I absolutely love this show and I full heartedly ship Moreid. I would barely take a glimpse at this show until Aidan talked me into it, and when I did I instantly fell in love with it. Guh, I sound like a chick. 

     "Its so quiet." I say to myself. My parents had taken Daniel with them to some baby shower one of their friends were hosting for their pregnant daughter, so I'm left alone with nothing to do but watch T.V and raid the fridge. Just as I was reaching for the bowl of popcorn sitting on the table the doorbell rings and I grunt at having to leave my seat on the couch. Sighing, I push my self up and make my way to the door, grumbling under my breath the whole way there. I open the door and my annoyance turns to confusion as I see that its Christy standing on my porch. She's wearing a black short skirt, and when I say short I mean 'barely covering her nether regions' short, a low cut red halter top, and red stilettos. Her hair is bouncy and shines in the porch light and her lips are a blood red. Leaning against the door frame, I cross my arms against my chest and raise a questioning eyebrow. 

     "What are you doing here?" Christy was supposed to have left yesterday. Its been a month since the baby's been born and Christy was set to leave when she was released from the hospital, but the doctors recommended she rest and recover before traveling back home.  

     "Why to see you and the baby of course." She says sweetly with a blinding smile. I scrunch my nose at her, and rub the back of neck as I blow out a puff of air. 

     "Well, my parents have Daniel at the moment and they're out, so you may as well leave." I tell her. Christy's smile seems to dim, but she immediately brightens and shrugs. 

     "I guess I'll just have to wait here." She says, and pushes past me. I stand at the from door and gape at the sudden intrusion. The fuck? Groaning, I close door without locking it, fully prepared to tell her to leave. I walk into the living room to see her standing in the middle of the room looking at the T.V. 

     "Ew, this show sucks." She says, and I roll my eyes in annoyance. 

     "Good thing you were about to leave then." I walk over to her and grab her by the shoulders before trying to steer her towards the door. Emphasis on trying. She slips from my grasp and walks over to the couch and sits down, crossing one leg over the other which causes her already short skirt to ride up more, showing her lacey black underwear. She throws one arm over the back of the couch and the other flips a piece of hair out of her eyes. 

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