Chapter 16

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I sat at a table alone as I waited for Aidan to arrive. He texted me last night, hours after he ran off, and asked me to meet him here so we could talk. I knew it would hurt Aidan, but I couldn't hide something like this from him. He deserved to know. The bell above the cafe door chimes and I look up to see Aidan walking in.

He was wearing a yellow shirt that clung to his body, showing a hint of his abs underneath, but what caught my attention was the shorts he was wearing. They were something a girl would wear and went to his mid-thigh. They were dark blue and denim. I practically drooled as he walked towards me, a small apologetic smile on his face. But behind that smile I could tell he was nervous and, for some reason, scared. What he was scared or nervous about I don't know, but I would do anything to rid him of those feelings.

He stops in front of me and seems to hesitate. Without thinking I jump up and take him into my arms. I bury my face into his neck and breathe in his his sweet scent of strawberries. He stiffens in my hold, but I don't let go. I tighten my arms around him, and soon he melts into my chest and wraps his arms around me. I can feel tears of relief threatening to spill over, but I refrain. After standing there for at least ten minutes we sit down. I grab hold of one his hand across the table, but neither of us speak. I finally decide to break the silence.

"I'm so sor-" I begin, but he cuts me off, holding up his free hand. I close my mouth and starts to speak.

"You don't have to apologize. I was just confused and I needed to think. I didn't mean to make you worry by running away." He looking me in the eye as he speaks. "I know it was before we got together, and I won't say I'm happy about it. But I'll be damned if I lose you."

"Lose me? What made you think that you would lose me?" I ask him, confused. What made him think that? He shuffles on his seat and looks away.

"I'm was--am afraid that you would leave me for Christy. Now that you guys have a baby on the way..." He trails off and continues to look away. I sit there surprised that he would ever think that. Doesn't he know I love him? Oh, wait. We haven't said that to each other yet, but I think we both feel the same way. I lean over the table and place my free hand over his warm cheek. I turn him back to face me and I run my thumb over his lip. His eyes are slightly watery, and a pang rips through my heart at the sight.

"I would never, NEVER, leave you. You are so special to me and I would be an idiot to throw it away. You're mine, Aidan. And the only way I'll leave you is if you tell me too. And I might not even if you do ask me." I tell him all this in a firm, serious voice, making sure to never break eye contact. When I finish he gulps.

"Do you understand?" I ask him. He silently nods his head. I breathe out in relief, happy that we established an understanding. I know he still doubting me not leaving him for Christy, so I have to show him. I pull his hand and he stands up. He walks over to my side of the table and stands there, confused. I take him by his waist and pull him into my lap and plant a kiss on his lips. He blushes and a real smile spreads across his lips. He leans into me and we sit there in Sunny's Cafe watching as business goes on. No matter what happens, what obstacles come our way, we will get through it together. Because he is mine, and I am his. I look down at him and kiss his forehead.

"I̱ kardiá mou, i̱ psychí̱ mou." I whisper into his ear. Some way I have to show him that he's special to me, so that he'll never doubt it again.


It was 7:00pm, and I was in my bedroom thinking about everything that has happened so far. After our meeting at the cafe, Aidan had to go check in with his dad so I just came home and have been in my riim ever since. I've also been thinking of ways to show Aidan how much he means to me. I want it to be special, so when I finally tell him I love him he'll always remember. I roll onto my stomach and think real hard. My frustration begins to grow as I can't think of an idea worthy enough for Aidan. Suddenly I jump out of bed and rush over to my phone lying on my computer desk. I dial the number I've memorized by heart and soon a familiar voice answers.

"Hello?" Trey answers.

"Trey, I have an idea, but I'm gonna need your help."


Yay! New chapter two days in a row! Go IFLYEE. GO IFLYEE. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry its short. I'm on spring break so there will be plenty of uploads. Got a NEW phone, so much better than my old one. But windows doesn't support the Wattpad app(boo T.T). I'm still working on the prolouge for my new story, but I'm not sure how detailed should I make seeing as it only tells...I'm not tellin. So goodnight( Its 10:20pm were I live) and......



P.S. I've decided when I reach two thousand read I'll make a sex scene since wattpad won't let me change my rating from R. Might as well make it worth it. Aidan in the pic>>>>( The outfit he was wearing at the cafe is on the left.)

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