Chapter 3

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It's Monday and I'm standing at my locker searching for the things I need for my morning classes.

"Aid-baby!" I hear a familiar voice screech through the crowded hallway. Three seconds later I'm tackled by my best friend, Jamie. I groan and roll over as he giggles sheepishly and mumbles an apology, rolling from on top of me. Jamie reaches out a hand and pulls me from the dirty school floor. I give him a small glare before speaking.

"You're not exactly light you know." I sigh, rubbing my poor bum.

Jamie laughs and pats my bum lightly."I'm not heavy either." He says sticking out his tongue.

"My ribs say otherwise fat-ass." I mumble reaching back in my locker for my needed school books. Jamie opens up his locker next to mine, purposefully hitting me with the door. Our lockers have always been next to, or a couple of lockers down, to each others. Jamie applies chapstick to his lips while into his locker mirror before turning to me and leaning against his locker. He's wearing a red v-neck, dark skinny jeans, and combat boots that reach the middle of his shin. Briefly, I look at what I'm wearing; a black tee-shirt that fits my body just right, snug 501s, and black vans.

"So, what did you do this weekend?" He asks, and I smile. Jamie has done this ever since we met. Every Monday he would ask about my weekend whether we were together or not.I think for a few seconds on whether or not I want to tell him about Paris. I decide that I couldn't keep anything from him. No matter how much he'll fangirl. Fanboy?

I sigh and turn towards him."I was kind of asked out-" suddenly I'm interrupted by Jamie's loud squeal that causes several people in the hallway to look over. I can feel my cheeks beginning to warm and I hush Jamie . He's looks like a bunny on crank as he tries to suppress his obvious excitement.

He finally speaks."OML! When were you going to tell me! Is he cute? What's his name? Do I know him? Oh my Lambert, does he go here?" He throws out question after question and all I can do is wait until he finishes. Soon he does and he waits for me to answer, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted.It would be quit comical if I wasn't scared he'd punch me in the arm if I laughed.

"Paris Sharp." I answer quietly, looking at my nails as to avoid his gaze. Oh look! A cuticle.

Jamie just stands there with a big smile on his face. Its kinda creepy, because right now Joker don't have shit on him.

"Paris Sharp? THE Paris Sharp? Oh my Lambert, do you know how sexy he is?! If he asked I would ride him all night long." He drops it to the floor and begins to seductively move his hips, hands on his knees. I groan in embarrassment, but let out a small giggle. I wouldn't exactly say Jamie was a flaming gay, but he's definitely a little feminine. But who am I to be hypocritical?

"I said no." With these words, Jamie pretends to fall over, the back of his hand against his forehead. This time my laugh is louder and I shake my head at how ridiculous my best friend is.

Jamie smiles at me, happy to have made me laugh, and stands back up. He winks at me, but develops a curious expression, his eyes now looking behind me. I turn to see who he's looking at, and regret it when I see Trey is making his way over to where we're at. I stiffen, and Jamie sensing this, goes on alert mode. Trey reaches us and he has a friendly smile, trying to show that he's no threat. Jamie and I relax, and look at him curiously.

"Good Morning," He greets playfully.

Jamie instantly deadpans his greeting."What the fuck do you want Gates?" He puts his weight on his left leg, hand on top of the protruding hip.

Trey sighs and rolls his eyes." I -we- wanted to know if you were going to Christy Granes party Saturday?" He asks.

"Who's we?'' I ask, though I have a feeling I already knew.Trey tries an innocent smile. Tries being the keyword, because his expression is more like a smirk.

"Ohhhh, just me and Paris. Thought you could use a break, ya know? Some relaxation." He says. I don't see how a wild high school party is relaxing. Stress relieving maybe. Loud, yeah. But not relaxing. Plus I don't think my dad would let me go. Before I can decline Jamie speaks up.

"Sure, we'll be there." I look at him like he's out of his mind (which he is), but he ignores me.

Trey look at him frowning, eyebrows furrowed, and I can see a hint of mischief in his eyes."I don't remember asking you, but hey don't let me stop you." He smirks and crosses his muscled arms against his chest.

This time Jamie rolls hi eyes."Dick." He mutters, before reaching out and closing both our locker doors.

"In your mouth." Trey nonchalantly replies, and unfolds his arms, opting for leaning against someone's locker.

"In your throat."

"Don't choke."

Jamie flips him the bird. "Don't worry, your dad already did that for me."

Trey laughs and I look at a clock hanging above some lockers. I sigh and tug at Jamie's slave.

"Come on, we only have five minutes left until class. I don't want to be late." Jamie nods, glares at Trey, and begins walking to our first period. Before I can follow Trey grabs my wrist, I look back at him, eyebrow raised.

"Come, ok? It'll be fun and to tell the truth, Paris wants to see you." I can tell he's sincere, and I nod (although reluctantly), heart beating at the thought of Paris wanting to see me. Stupid heart. Slow the hell down.

Trey smile and releases me. I give him a small wave goodbye. As I walk away I hear Trey yell, "Don't forget!". I wave my hand behind me and continue walking.

Trust me. I won't.

Now all I have to do is get Dad to agree.


Party scene is next which will be at the party in both aidan's and paris's pov

Jamie in the pic>>>>


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