Chapter 1

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I moan as I reach for the bandages in the bathroom cabinet. I woke up this morning, around six, pain shooting through my body from even the slightest movements.After waiting for about an hour to build up courage I finally force myself to stand up and make my way to the en suite bathroom. Having a bathroom inside my room comes in handy when im trying to avoid my dad.

As I think about my dad his words from last night pop into my head.




I hang my head. Is this my relationship with my dad? He doesn't beat me much, only when he's really drunk and that's not often. After my mom died we drifted apart. He goes on business trips a lot, and I'm usually in the library located on the third floor of our house.

I walk back into my room, and as I turn off the alarm I read the time. 8.00am. I breathe out a sigh,realizing its Saturday and I have to be at work by ten. I make my way over to my dresser to choose an outfit. I pull on a long-sleeve grey sweater, some slightly tight but comftorable white skinny jeans, and grey converse. With almost every movement sharp pains twinge throughout my body.

After getting dresses, I make my way downstairs. Seeing that Dad's not home I leet out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding, before making my way to the kitchen, and began cleaning.

After about and hour of cleaning , I look around the house,checking my work." As close to spotless it can get." I say aloud to myself before seeing the time on the grandfather clock in the living room. It's nine, but it only takes fifteen minutes to reach the place I work by bus. Sprinting up the steps two by two, I grab my wallet and phone from my room. Once again taking the steps two at a time descending, I reach the coat rack,grab my black pea coat, and walk out the house locking the door behind me.

As soon as I'm out of the house some of the stress is released from body. I breah in the crisp air, and begin walking towards the bus stop. As I walk I look around all the mansions. Everyone one with expensive cars in the driveway, some with evil-looking garden gnomes. I hate those things. I shiver and walk a little faster past a house with at least three of them in their bushes. I've lived in this neighborhood since I was three. My dad owns some big company and my mom--well she--she was an artist a great one at that. She would sale some of her paintings in an art studio she used to own downtown. She left it to me when she died knowing how much I loved it there. Even after she died we remained quite wealthy. 'Although it only seems to be spent on booze and bills.' I think glumly.

Soon enough I can see the bus stop and as I 'm approaching the bus has pulled up and there's an old lady getting on. I climb on after her, paid my fare, and sat in the first seat. Behind me I can hear laughing that's oddly familiar, as if I heard it somewhere before. I turn in my seat to see Paris Sharp and Trey Gates, the bad boy and prankster of the school. They seem to be joking about something, which sparks my curiosity. Suddenly Paris looks over and catches me looking, blushing I hurry and turn my head, but not before I catch his smirk. In my peripheral vision I can see that Trey has caught onto the exchange and whispers something in Paris's ear. Paris's smirk seems to get bigger as he chuckles at what Trey said. I focus my attention back to the window, and see that my stops approaching. Pulling the cord requesting my stop once the doors open I hurry off the bus,saying a quick thank-you to the bus driver. I can hear Paris and Trey get off the bus and curse under my breath, before walking faster thankful the cafe I work at is only down the street. I breathe out a sigh of relief, something I seem to be doing alot, and walk into Sunny's Cafe.

Sunny is a feminine gay guy, but his real name is Greg. When he and his boyfriend, now husband, bought this place they named it Sunny's, Greg's nickname, given to him by his partner, Ross.The door dings behind me and I hurry and rush bumping into Ross along the way.

Ross is a rather tall man about 6'4 if I remember correctly. And let me tell you--he's hot. His head is cut short, his muscles seem to have muscles, and his torso is delectable. I saw it once when he went to wipe his face with the hem of his shirt. My tongue practically fell out my mouth, my eyes bulged, and I was speechless. He and Sunny got a good laugh out of that to my dismay.

It was no secret that I was gay, but I've never had a boyfriend, never really feeling the need to have one.

Ross smiles down at me and ruffles my hair, causing me to pout, before greeting me verbally.

"Hey kid, its only nine- thirty so you have half an hour , but it'll help if you can start now." He looks at me waiting for an answer."We'll pay you overtime." He adds.

"No its fine i'll do it, no charge. You and Sunny pay me enough already. Where is he by the way?" I look around the cafe, searching for the hyper bundle of joy.

"His mom is sick, so he went to take care of her." He answers smiling fondly at the thought of his lover.

I nod and walk over into the ,kitchen grabbing the apron with my name bedazzled on it. Sunny gave it to me last year for christmas. I smile at the memory before putting it on, making sure the small notebook and pen are in the pocket. Walking out Ross points me to my section, before heading to the kitchen.

I look around the cafe before my eyes land on two people. Paris and Trey are looking at me. And they're sitting in my section.

Fuck. My. Life.


Chapter 1! This chapter was to help introduce four new characters. Paris's point of view next chapter.Aidan's picture to the side.



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