Chapter 21

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 5 Months Later, May 6th



     Jamie and I smile as Ian snaps another photo. Today is the day of our graduation, and all the graduating seniors and their families are present. I smile as Ian takes another picture. This is probably the hundredth one since I woke up this morning, and to tell the truth my lips are beginning to hurt. Jamie must feel the same way cause he sends Dad a pleading look when Ian turns his back. 

     "Ian hon-" Dad pauses as if catching himself. He looks at me nervously. I furrow my eyebrows as he clears his throat and addresses Ian again. 

     "Ian don't you think that's enough pictures? At least for now?" Dad asks kindly. Ian looks at him as if he just told him to kick a newborn puppy. 

     "I do not think that's enough pictures!" He exclaims. I sigh as the two begin to bicker, resembling an older version of Trey and Jamie. Dennis and Jeremy are trying to hide the laughs as they watch the two go at it and I tune them all out. I look around, checking out the setup. 

     The planning committee decided having the graduation outside would be a great idea, considering the nice weather we've been having. So it was decided that the graduation would be held on the school's football field. There is a stage set up near the 20' yard line and the chairs where the seniors will sit are set up at the 50' yard line. Black and red streamers, the school's colors, decorate the stage. Large balloon columns are set up in various parts of the football field, also red and black and a picture of the schools mascot(a bulldog) is depicted on the front of the podium. Banners reading, 'Go Bulldogs!' and 'Class of 13' are hanging along the stands where the guests will be sitting. I smile at the setup and nod. The planning committee did a great job.Suddenly there are a pair of hands covering my eyes.  

     "Guess who." The person whispers in my ear. I instantly recognize the voice and smile. I decide to tease the person and my smile turns into a small smirk. 

     "God please let it be that sexy guy from the crime show. What's his name....Shemar Moore. Please be Shemar Moore." I plea. I remove the hands from my eyes and turn around. I'm met with a pouting Paris dressed in his graduation robe and the mandatory clothing for male graduates. Males have to wear a black cap and robe, a white dress shirt, black slacks, and shiny black dress shoes. On the other hand, females have to wear a red cap and gown with a white dress and white shoes. 

     "Oh, its just you." I say, feigning disappointment. Paris's mouth drops open and I laugh. He scowls and crosses his arms. 

     "Please. I'm way cuter than Shemar Moore." He says childishly.  

     "Whatever you say babe." I tell him. He grunts before pulling me into him. He plants a sweet kiss on my lips and I blush. 

      "You look great." He compliments. I smile and thank him. 

     "So do you." I tell him. He smirks and nods. 

     "I know." I laugh and shake my head in amusement. He just smiles and we continue to stand there in each others arms. 

     "Where's your family?" I ask him. He points behind me and I follow the direction his finger is pointing. Talking to Dad and Ian is Paris's parents, all four of them are laughing over something. His brother Andy is conversing with Jeremy while his grandmother Anika seems to be fawning over how cute Jamie is. I laugh as she pinches his cheeks and he rubs them in obvious pain. 

     "Its nice to see your grandmother again." I say truthfully. He chuckles and nods. 

     "Yeah, she's quite the character." He says in amusement. We walk over to join the others and talk for a few minutes. About ten minutes later a loud voice can be heard through the microphone. 

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