Chapter 1- Adoption

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Sophia's POV: I woke up early Monday morning to a loud announcement over the intercom,"Attention Orphans, the lovely girl group named 'Fifth Harmony' will be coming in 3 hours. Eat breakfast, and get ready and meet at the cafeteria 10am SHARP!". I squealed. I was so excited! I have been listening to them for almost a year now and they have gotten me through my darkest times. I jumped out of bed to get ready and meet up with my friends to chit chat about the news.
3 hours later
I sat at the front row lunch tables right in front of the stage.I whispered to my friend Jess,"Do you know how excited I am now?" She laughed and whispered,"Totally! You are seriously gonna fall off your seat with excitement," I tried to be patient, but I couldn't wait any longer. And then the cafeteria doors opened, and there they are. Camila, Lauren, Ally, Dinah, and Normani. I couldn't believe this was happening, It felt like a dream. I quickly pinched myself to check. It was a reality. They all waved to us. I was on the verge of tears. These were my idols. They helped me through so much. "Hey guys!" Camila exclaimed giggling,"Are you guys excited?" I felt as if that wasn't even a question. Everybody screamed, and whistled. "The first song we are doing is a classic. Miss movin' on," Normani said, smiling. The music started and I almost peed my pants. Camila started singing, and I started singing along. Lauren was looking around the room intently, and then she met my eyes. I smiled from ear to ear. She smiled back and winked and then started her part. I will never forget this day. Ever. I sang along to the songs, and I cried and I smiled, and of course screamed.
An hour later
The concert was over and Lauren decided to go to the administration office. I was confused. Why is she going there? I saw the other girls standing by the door, but then they walked to Lauren. Suddenly, Lauren pointed to me. I didn't know what was happening. I was looking at Lauren with a confused look. I pointed at myself and mouthed,"Me?" She nodded and motioned me over to the girls and the staffs. "Hello love! We wanted to adopt you. I know it may sound crazy but you stood out from the other ones. And I felt as if I needed you. But first, what's your name?", Lauren said. I looked at the other girls and back to Lauren. I was speechless. But I built up the courage to finally say,"Sophia," Ally, Camila, Normani, and Dinah let out a little aw and smiled. My idols wanted to adopt me? This just got a little bit crazier. "Hello, all you need to do is sign these papers and she will pack up and you're off," the staff said politely and excitedly at the same time. Lauren nodded and wrote 'Lauren Jauregui" on the paper with a little heart. "Ok you're all set! As for Sophia, she will need to pack up and say goodbye to her fellow friends," I nodded and waved a little goodbye at the girls and ran up the steps of the building. I will be touring and living with Fifth Harmony. This is unreal..
Lauren's POV- Ah. A new morning, a new day. Camila was making toast and jam for everybody this morning. Worth it was playing on the radio. Ally was demanding to go to waffle house. And Normani and Dinah were twerking. I checked twitter and tweeted,"About to go to the orphanage to perform for the children. So excited 😘" I sat on my bed contemplating adopting a child. But that's a bit far. I'm really busy with the girls, performing and interviews, but a child is a whole other responsibility. I shook off my thoughts and went to get toast."What's cracka-lackin' Lauren!" Camila exclaimed, laughing."Nothing much. How about you, Camz?" I replied back, getting the toast from the toaster."A lot! I would tell you everything but it would take hours to get through them all," Camila said, spreading jam all over her toast,"Hey Laur, pass me a banana," I reached over and threw the banana at Camila. She screamed, but laughed it off. "Ok guys, hurry up! We are arriving at the orphanage in about 30 minutes!" yelled the bus driver. I scarfed down my breakfast and went to get ready. Normani helped me get my outfit ready.
"Okay, what should you wear, Lauren?"
"I don't know. Maybe a leath-"
"Leather jacket? A must! Maybe leather pants! Black? Maybe we should dress in fun colors?"
"Um, I don't think we should be the highlighters today, Mani!"
"Okay. Hmm, leather jacket, leather pants, a flowy royal blue top, and for shoes...I have the perfect pair!"
Mani held up a pair of dark brown leather boots with heels. I nodded excitedly and grabbed the clothes.
A few minutes later
We walked through the orphanage doors. They led us to a room that looked like a cafeteria. When we went through the room, I saw kids smiling, and screaming. It was just a burst of positive energy. We got onto the stage and Camila and Normani introduced us and the song we were gonna sing. I looked around the room. Smiling at each kid, until I saw this one girl. Who just caught my attention. Our eyes met, I smiled and winked at her. And sang my part.
After the concert
The concert was so fun. But I had something else on my mind. "Hey, guys?" I said to the girls. They turned toward me. "I really want to adopt one of these children," Ally's eyes immediately started sparkling and she smiled so big,"That's so great! But is it the right choice since we are so busy?" I shrugged,"I have thought about it even before we got here. That's all I could think about. I think it is the right decision," The girls nodded in approval. I walked towards the office. "Hello, how may I help you?"
"Hi, I'm Lauren, I actually just performed,"
"Oh hi! What can I do for you?"
"I would like to adopt a child,"
"Oh. Are you sure? You se-"
"Yes I'm sure,"
"Ok then, come back to me when you picked who you want to adopt. Good luck!"
I smiled and left the office. The girls and I discussed. I motioned the girl I met eyes with during the concert towards me. Her name was Sophia.
- End of Chapter 1
Hey guys! So hope you liked my first chapter! Sorry if it was a little short, the upcoming chapters will definitely be longer as the story progresses. Bye for now 💖

Not By Blood ➸ A Fifth Harmony Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now