Chapter 3

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"Okay, this should work," Hiccup said after a few hours of messing with the shield.

"What is it supposed to do Hiccup?" Heather asked curiously as she observed the one of a kind shield before her.

It was still in a circle as it was before but the designs and features on it was different. "This shield has the three things that Vikings could never carry in the air," replied Hiccup in an excited voice before she continued, "It can convert itself into a sling-shot for me to use as a bow, it can shoot a grappling hook from the middle of itself, and it can launch bolas from either side of it."

"Wow, does it work?" Heather asked in awe as she touched the black wooden paint on the shield.

"I haven't really tried it out but I'm thinking of flying with it to get the hang of having it with me before I try out the weapons built in it," Hiccup answered truthfully.

"Well, then let's go now. I mean, Stormslice and Toothless are already so board that they are trying to catch a dangling fruit from a high tree," Heather said in a laughing tone.

"This I gotta see," Hiccup said excitedly as she placed the shield on her arm and ran out of the forge to see her dragon jumping into the air and trying to bite onto a fruit before falling back onto the ground.

Stormslice seemed to be nowhere in sight and it seems that only Toothless was the one that was trying. Where is Stormslice? She never misses a funny moment with Toothless to taunt him about his lack of jumping into the air, Hiccup wondered confused.

"Heather, did you send Stormslice into the woods?" Hiccup asked looking at her foster sister.

"No actually she was right here with Toothless when I left to check on you," Heather answered truthfully as she looked behind her to see if Stormslice was there.

"Well, she probably left to go find some more food for us to eat. But let's see what this shield can do if I can shoot that fruit down to Toothless," Hiccup said thoughtfully as she pushed on a piece of wood to make the shield turn into a contraption to use as a bow.

The shield parted into two halves and had a tight piece of leather, that is used as a way for Hiccup to hold onto the shield, in the middle of them. She loaded the leather with a rock and aimed at the fruit. Taking a deep breath in, Hiccup released the leather, which pulled forward, which made the rock fly through the sky and hit the fruit hard. The fruit began to shake from the impact and fell from its place in the tree. Toothless jumped into the air and caught it in his mouth before landing and swallowing the fruit. Nice job Hiccup, that shield could help you get out of some pretty rough situations, Toothless said happily to her.

Hiccup smiled and nodded her head thanks before asking "Toothless do you want to go flying right now?"

You bet!!! Toothless roared with happiness as he started to run around in circles before stopping to allow Hiccup to climb on.

"Also have you seen Stormslice?" Hiccup asked her dragon as she was about to mount him.

Why don't you ask her? Toothless said grinning at something behind the two girls.

She looked behind her to see Stormslice silently approaching Heather as she looked at the two confused. Heather knew that Hiccup had the ability to talk to dragons but could never understand what the dragons were saying herself. No matter how many times Hiccup tried to teach her, Heather never knew what the dragons were saying unless Hiccup translated for her. "Stormslice," Hiccup said sternly to the dragon.

Stormslice looked upwards to see Hiccup giving her a stern look. Come on Hiccup, can't a dragon have fun with her rider? she wined startling Heather out of her wits.

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