Chapter 1

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3rd person pov: Celtic God

It has been 500 years since his betrayal. Percy was hunting a beast that is powerful enough to kill a god. It was going to kill Hestia. The most powerful Olympian. Even though he hate the gods it was my job as The Hunter to kill all monsters. The hunters of those pesky gods were hunting to find and kill me, they can try.

For my time being he found a type of metal on earth stronger than any metal on earth. It was a dark kinda metal. Not stygation iron. He called it Chaos silver. He upgraded all his weapons with that. His sword reaper could cut through anything. Actually all my weapons could cut through anything. He carrys 10 pounds with him.

Percy heard a scream. He ran towards the voice. He ran and came up to a clearing by a stream. He saw a girl fighting a man with a lion head and scales on his back. He took his bow and notched an arrow. He aimed at the monster and fired. It sailed and and hit his mark. 'Argh your arrow shouldn't have pierced my impenetrable scales' the monster yelled.

Percy put his bow back. He took out reaper. The monter lunged and Percy side stepped and plunged the sword in it's spine. Twisting it and stabbed his heart. Killing it instantly. 'I am The Hunter, no monster passes me and lives. It turned to dust and flew into him. He felt stronger and faster. Like he could run 100 miles and not break a sweat.

He stepped up to the beautiful girl. 'Hello I am Luna celtic goddesses of wilderness and fire'. He looked at her and she had strong curvy legs. With a nice light muscular body. Her eyes was the one that caught him they were forest green with a fiery red outline. 'I am The Hunter' He said.

He turned around and started walking away. 'Wait' the lady said. He turned around. The girl looked at him. He was lean but muscular. It looked like he had a firm 8-pack. What caught her was his eyes. The were a beautiful sea green. Like the calm before the storm. They were cold and looked like he was sizing her up. She blushed when he saw her.

'My dad will pay you handsomely if you come'. He walked towards her and she took his arm. She flashed them to the council. He saw there were 13 thrones. And one of then was empty.

'Father this man saved me from bonecrusher. He thought in his head so that's what it's called. 'Come her lad'. He walked towards him.

'For saving my daughter would you like to be a god and have a seat on the council' He boomed. 'Im sorry mi'lord but no. I like to hunt and kill monsters. And if I become a god I'm going to be bounded to ancient laws'.

'You will not be bounded to the ancient laws. For we are Celtic gods we are not Olympians'. 'Ok mi"lord'. 'Please no mi'lords stuff. We are not like the Olympians. For our weakest minor god can defeat the strongest Olympian. Now this will hurt a bit. But Its worth it'. He shot a beam at Percy.

He grew taller and more muscular. He was now 6'7, with a 8 pack and perfect muscles. His hair was midnight black with silver and gold highlights. His eyes were the same as usaual, sea green. But his eyes were filled with cold and malice.

'What are my domains, symbol of power and sacred animal'. 'You are Omega Celtic God of Time, Darkness, Hunting, Eclipse, and Godly powers. You are the most powerful Celtic god on the council.

'Your symbol of power is your sword reaper and a pocket watch sword through watch. Your sacred animal is a falcon'. When he said that he felt a pain in his back. Second later it stopped.

He saw a throne that was black, gold, and fiery red. They had a pocket watch, a black falcon with fiery red outline. He saw hunters hunting animals. He saw the Sun and the moon crossing over, an eclipse. And there was a real dark.

Percy grew to his godly height of 30 feet and sat down. His weapons grew with him. He unsheathed reaper. It was now 20 feet tall and grew with him. His bow became 25 feet long with arrows that were 10 feet long. His hunting knives were 15 feet long and throwing knives were 10 feet long. Percy saw faint golden lines in front of him. He could tell they were time lines.

'By the way my name is Saren Celtic god of the sky. And this is my wife Lyra Celtic goddesses of marriage, childbirth, and family. This is Forge Celtic God of forge, fire, and blacksmith. This is his wife Beauty, Celtic goddesses of true love and natural beauty. This is Mars Celtic god of war and weapons'. And he went on from there.

'Hey Omega let me see your metal and weapons' Forge said. I tossed him my metal and weapons. He then flashed away.

~~Time Skip~~

1 hour

Forge then flashed in. He waved his hand in front of me and he produced an armor. A light Celtic war armor. It was beautifully crafted. I put it on and if fit me perfectly. 'That is your armor. It is enchanted so it will will dissapper and turn into a necklace of your symbol of power'.

'I also enchanted your weapons to disappear' He said. He waved his hand and my weapons were on my lap with some more weapons. I picked them up and put my bow on my back and slung my quiver on my back. They both dissapered.
.I hit my shield and it turned into a watch. I latched my pouch of deadly throwing knives at my waist and it dissapered. I put my pistols at my waist and the same thing happened.

I had a new spear called destroyer. I sheathed my sword on my back, but it it didn't dissaper. I took my spear and and hit the ground. It changed into a chaos silver band. I strapped my daggers at my waist and it stayed there. 'Thanks Forge I love it' I said. 'No problem it was easy' He said casually. I got up and sat in my throne. And I listend to the council talking about me.


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