Chapter 47:....In Love

Start from the beginning

"How could they keep this from you?" Tyler asked.

"I'm not mad. They thought they were doing what's best for me." I shrugged.

"Well do you like him?" Tyler asked me still not getting mad.

"Yes and he has a son, I have another brother, Sebastian." I told him.

"I'm really happy for you." Tyler put his head down.

"Really?" I asked him.

"No." He shook his head. "But I can't be selfish."

"You're my brother Tyler,  the most important person in my life and I love you but I do want to get to know my other family." I told him.

"Our lives are never dull are they?" Tyler laughed putting his arm around me. "I would love to meet them."

I smiled at my brother then gave him a big hug. I never thought that he would be this understanding but he actually was and that meant everything to me. I felt like I had a proper family again.

"Why don't you ring them and we can have dinner together." Tyler smiled.

I was so proud of my brother for being so mature. I don't think I would be this mature if it was him who had the new family. I think he trusts me, he knows I'll never replace him.

"That sounds great." I smiled. "You should go upstairs and unpack."

Tyler nodded and them left the room with his bags. Right now I was so happy, it seemed like things were starting to fall into place. I had my brother, Angel and Sebastian,  the rest of my family, my friends....

There was one thing that was annoying me though, Brody.  In my dream that seemed perfect, he didn't know me. I don't want that to ever happen. I need him, like I need air. My life was starting to come together again again but there was one thing I was hiding from again need that was my feelings for Brody.  I had to figure them out now before I lost my chance.

Just as I was about to get up to go over and see Brody, Matt walked over to me.

"Hey Marls can you drop me in town, I'm meeting a few friends to see a movie." Matt asked politely and I couldn't say no to his cheeky wee face. Brody would just have to wait.

It didn't take long to drop Matt into town so after u met up with Sarah-Jayne to get coffee.

"So how's tall dark and handsome Robbie?" Sarah-Jayne smirked as we sat down at a table with our coffees.

"Robbie's fine." I laughed. "I told him this morning about Angelo, he was really happy for me."

"And are you, happy?" She asked.

"This is my second chance to have a parent, I love my mom and dad but I have Angelo now and I want him to be there." I told her.

"Your parents would be so proud of you Marley-Rose." Sarah-Jayne smiled. "It's bound to be hard this Christmas without them."

"It is. All I can think about is last Christmas, how I ruined it, how I ruined everything. I know it's my fault they're dead." I stuttered.

"Marley don't say that!" Sarah-Jayne exclaimed.

"S-J they were taking me to my hospital appointment! They were arguing because of me! I was the reason they were in that car and the reason they're not here today." I relived the day I lost them. "When I close my eyes I can still hear my mother's screaming. My dad died instantly so he didn't suffer but my mom suffered. I couldn't move and I couldn't help..."

Just then my phone rang and I was cut off. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Marley-Rose Summers?" They asked.

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