Chapter Four

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School has started and I am so stressed out; it's only been one week and I already can't handle how much studying I need to do just to keep with the courses. My sister says I should drop a class, but if I do, I won't be able to transfer out of community college next semester. Luckily for you guys who read Unrequited, it's actually my guilty pleasure to write and I wholeheartedly feel so much better when I work on it. I should have been studying all weekend long, but I kind of ditched that to write this instead. With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for reading! 

Niall began obnoxiously bouncing his leg up and down, biting his fingernails nervously as the professor called up yet another beta boy with the last name beginning with an "H". He found it extremely hard to breathe; perhaps the professor should open up the window a peep or else the class might suffocate from all of this breathing and no proper ventilation.

"Niall Horan?"

Niall's breath caught in his throat as he awkwardly pushed himself off of his very comfortable plastic chair and shuffled his feet up towards the very uncomfortable front of the classroom. His sweaty hands rubbed against his cardigan, pulling the sleeves down over his palms. He coughed onto the back of his hand as he slowly turned around to face the class.

"I'm Niall."

A few alpha boys in the back began snickering and elbowing each other at the tiny crack in Niall's voice; Niall began bouncing on the balls of his feet as he glanced down at the ground, trying hard not to make eye contact with anybody.

"Alright, Niall," the professor, Mister Simmons smiled, encouraging the small lad to continue on with his introduction. "What do you like?"

"Um." Niall began to scuff the tip of his shoe against the ground as he pondered about what to say. He pulled one of the sleeves of his cardigan open slightly and cupped it over his lips. "I like my dad," he mumbled, smiling at the memory of the last time that his dad had returned home from a business trip; they had taken a short trip up to Ireland to go fishing at their little special fishing dock.

"And Harry!"

The entire room grew deadly silent, so silent that Niall was sure everybody could hear his heart beating erratically against his chest. He could feel his cheeks heating up; he wasn't sure if it was from frustration or embarrassment.

Everybody knew that there was a truth behind that statement. In the past week, Niall had been trailing behind Harry in the playground and would always offer to share his desserts with the taller lad when Niall's hall of beta boys won the "dining hall rush". It wasn't really his fault that Harry was the only person who was actually all-around nice to him; sure Nick was a nice and fun lad to be around, but he would still take every chance he got to tease Niall. Perhaps it was a beta thing.

Murmurs began to arise as Niall remained frozen in front of the classroom, nervously fidgeting about with cheeks flushed red. "Thank you for sharing," the professor finally spoke up, frowning slightly at the burst of harassment that had occurred in the classroom. "See me after class, Mister Harper."

Niall kept his eyes glued onto the ground as he waddled back to his seat, too afraid to look up in case if he would accidentally catch Harry's gaze. Nick caught Niall's arm as he passed by his seat, smiling worriedly up at the smaller lad. Several of the beta boys seated beside Nick too gave him a sympathetic smile as well, knowing how easily embarrassed Niall got and how much he disliked being in the center of attention.

Niall sent them back a small, disheartened smile as he wrenched his arm out of Nick's grasp and continued back to his seat. Throughout the rest of the introductions, he couldn't help staring out of the window, helplessly wishing that he was a bird so that he could fly away from the humiliation that plagued hm. Even though the occurrence was several minutes ago, Niall still felt like he was a bread roll burning in an oven.

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