Chapter Three

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Hello to all of those who are reading this! I wanted to thank you, first and foremost, for choosing to pick up this story among the sea of really great fanfictions on this site! I also wanted to let you know that the whole alpha/beta/omega thing doesn't really play a huge significant role in the story until they reach a certain age. As of now, there will just be a lot of fluff and kid!Narry. Thank you again for reading!


As the night slowly came, Niall found himself tossing and turning underneath his sheets, body completely drenched in sweat as he ensured that the tips of his hair was still blanketed.

Niall wasn't particularly afraid of the dark, but he also wasn't so fond of it either. Out of all of the things that he could have possibly forgotten to pack, it was his favorite astronomic nightlight. There was always some eerie feeling in the darkness that left trails of goosebumps in the wake of his arms when he glanced into the shadows. It scared him, knowing that even Sergeant the shark couldn't protect him from it.

Letting out a small whine, Niall hugged Sergeant tightly to his chest as he pulled his sheets down slightly to glance at the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand beside his bed. Red illuminated numbers that read 3:31 glared back at him, almost as if they were laughing at his inability to rest peacefully.

Just about having enough of the endless restless minutes he spend rolling around in sweat, Niall squeezed his eyes shut as he cradled Sergeant in his arms and crawled out of bed. He quickly pulled one of the sheets with him to cloak his small frame, protecting him from the monsters in the dark. He blindly began maneuvering his way around the room, trying hard to avoid the scattered cardboard boxes he had left by the door. He whimpered softly as he quickened his steps, knowing that if he could just get to the door, he could flip on the lights.

Somehow, Niall found himself outside of Nick's bedroom, knocking softly as he clung tightly onto Sergeant. After minutes of no response, the small lad slumped against the door in defeat, tearing up slightly from the fear of returning to his own room. "Nick?" He knocked again, this time slightly harder and began rattling the doorknob.

Not even a minute passed before an unruly and disoriented Nick pulled open the door and groaned softly when he caught sight of Niall's teary cerulean eyes. "Come on," he sighed, stepping aside and granting Niall permission to enter.

Just about every single one of the beta boys knew that Niall had an erratic fear for the dark, which he was too stubborn to admit; when they had a sleepover at the preschool once, Niall had cried when the teacher turned off the lights and wouldn't stop until Nick connected their sleeping bags together and hugged Niall tightly to ease his nerves.

Whether Nick liked it or not, since then, Niall had always considered Nick to be his best mate, even though Nick would sometimes choose the other beta boys over him.

Niall huddled closely behind Nick and clung onto his arm, whimpering as the taller lad dragged him through the dimly lit room; the only source of light came from the moon seeping through the thin curtains. "This isn't so scary, right?" Nick asked, shooting Niall a smile as he peeled the bedsheets back and slid onto the bed. He patted the spot beside him, urging Niall to lie down.

Niall looked down at the sheet draped around him, unsure what to do with the extra blanket. After scrunching up his nose in debate, he decidedly allowed it to puddle by the floor. He let out a squeal as he hopped onto the bed and scrambled for the covers, desperate to cover every inch of his body in blankets as quickly as possible. Nick chuckled as he helped adjust the blanket over their heads.

As Nick ducked back underneath the covers, he was faced with a very tiny Niall curled around a stuffed shark. Niall tilted his head up slightly and glanced at Nick after the rustling of blankets finally ceased. "Thanks," Niall muttered quietly. Even if the room was in complete darkness, Nick could tell that there as a small smile drawn across Niall's lips.

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