The Seal

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Kakashi rushed as fast as he could to the command center he had set up, knowing that would be the spot whoever had called would meet him at. When he arrived he saw he was correct, a lone ANBU stood waiting for him.

"Captain," He began with a small bow "there has been another spotted"

All the love he had just found rushed from him and was quickly replaced with hate. What game are these rogues playing?!

"Where?" Kakashi tried his best not to sound to angry, but he knew it was no use

"In almost the same exact spot as the other was found last night. We have acted in the same manner and it is working in the same way."

"Then we will continue on until this one is also captured. Alert the others and listen for assistance."

They parted ways and Kakashi tried to think of what could be done about this problem. If we continue in the same manner every time will they not see all our attacks coming?

Kakashi arrived next to the ANBU who was watching for any other movement.

"Two are following and two are searching. I am waiting for further intruders."

"Hopefully this one will be as simple to take down as the last." Kakashi was gone with a flash, signaling the two pursuers to take the intruder down.

It seemed as if the two had just engaged when the intruder was being hauled in front of Kakashi. That was when Kakashi was convinced it was all a game, something bigger was going to happen and they needed to find out what. He didn't bother interrogating the man, just nodded for the others to bring him to headquarters. As he turned to leave he was surprised to see the Hokage appear next to him.

"Bring Yuki in to interrogate the man. We need answers." And then he was gone, he would have none of Kakashi's arguing tonight. Kakashi knew it was for the best. With a sigh he made his way to Yuki's home, he had no choice.


Yuki was getting ready for bed when she stilled, feeling Wolf approaching. He flew through the windows and stared at her. She began scanning him to make sure he wasn't hurt. She found no signs, but there was something wrong.

"Your eyes are glowing" Wolf said flatly

"I'm sorry." Yuki said closing them "I was startled and wanted to make sure you weren't hurt."

"I'm fine, but I will be taking you with me to interrogate the man we have just captured."

"Let me get dressed." She rushed from sight into her closet, readying quickly.

She's so willing to give this village her everything, Kakashi smiled weakly. Though it could be seen as a positive quality, Kakashi wished she didn't have it. If only you held back a little bit Yuki, then we could avoid getting you involved in all this.

She appeared in front of him completely serious. So many emotions hit Kakashi all at once; he wanted to yell at her for doing this, he wanted to lock her in her room so she couldn't leave, he wanted to grab her and take them both far away from this. Everything was just swirling around in his head as he looked at her, until the idea hit him. He grabbed her and placed her on her desk.

"Wolf what are you doing?" She said staring at him

"Last time you pushed yourself too far and I couldn't stop you until it was too late." She frowned at his words, but he continued "This time I won't let that happen."

"What are you going to do?" The tone in her voice gave away how nervous she was

"Do you trust me?" Kakashi felt his voice shake as he asked, Yuki staring into the blacked out eyes of the mask. She stared for a moment before a smile spread across her face.

"Of course I do." She continued to smile as she watched the blindfold come out and closed her eyes waiting.

Kakashi slipped the blindfold over Yuki's head and kissed her. Her hand always found its way to his face when his mask was off. Trying everything she could to make a mental image of what he looked like.

"Yuki I want to put a seal on the inside of the third finger of your left hand. This seal would tell me when you're close to your limit by tying some of my chakra to you." He paused before continuing "And you can also do something else with it." He watched as she smiled

"And what's that?" She said leaning in close to him

"If you press a finger to the seal I can track you." He looked at her smiling at him "With all these intruders in the village... if anything did happen..." Kakashi closed his eyes tightly, just saying the words were enough to shake him to his very core. Yuki brought a hand to his face, bringing her lips to his.

"I know you would never let anything happen to me." She pressed her forehead to his, kissing him lightly

"I would risk it all for you." He whispered to her as tears rolled down her face

"I would do the same for you." He looked at her, knowing he had lost the fight he had been trying his best to win. I love her more than anything, more than duty, more than this village. She is my everything. He wiped her tears away, enjoying the feelings he had been fighting for so long freely spreading through him.

"This is going to hurt, a lot" He said raising her face as she sat up straighter.

"I'm pretty tough" She said bringing her head up as Kakashi laughed at her, but stilled quickly

"Yuki" Kakashi paused becoming serious

"I know." She said taking a deep breath "I'm ready."

Kakashi completed the hands signs and brought his sharingan forward, pushing into her finger, the sound of his chidori filling the room. Yuki gritted her teeth and held her breath slightly, she knew it was for the best. I'd give anything to always have you by my side.

It seemed like an eternity before Kakashi finally finished the seal, Yuki could feel the difference in her body immediately and she loved it.

"We're tied together now" She said with a smirk "Was this your plan all along?"

"Of course" Kakashi said as he kissed her. In that one kiss they both knew what that seal meant, the only thing missing were the words to make it official.

Kakashi grabbed his mask and pulled the blindfold off. Yuki's gaze fell straight to the seal, seeing the tiny wolf symbol imprinted into her skin.

"I love it." She said running her finger over it and looking to Wolf with a smile

"Me too" Kakashi blurted out causing Yuki to glow a bright red.

"You'll be the only one to see it. That way no one will know it's there and they can't try to interfere with it. I can tell if you're in distress or in danger. I can read all that without you touching it." As he said it the symbol began to glow purple in the center with a silver outline.

"When do I give you a seal?" She said as Kakashi laughed

"Maybe next time," He said hugging her tightly "but right now you have a job to do."

He made his way to the windows, his arm around her waist.

"Wait!" Yuki said pulling him before he could jump "Don't I need the blindfold again?"

"No," He said as Yuki looked at him puzzled "I want you to know where ANBU headquarters is."

She smiled brightly at him as they leapt from the windows into the night.

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