Lost memory: 2

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Well until i got here, i have been thinking about her.
Person: her, and?.
My mom and dad, and sister. Win i was working for slender i had only one memory of what i now remember was my sister.
Person: and that was?.
Blond blond hair and a blurred face.
Person: yes, it says here your sister did have blond hair, so your memory dose not fail you on that. Do you remeber anything about the other girl in your life, the one for you?.
No i don't. Slender tuck away memory's even as i was living out my past life. It was something about her that was a threat to his plan on getting me.
Person: you need to start telling me how you met and how you felt.

Blues p.o.v. Shit, its the first day, well my first day at school and i can't find my fucking books!. I run around my room and find them in my bedside table, i grabe them and the rest of my things. I run downstairs and out to the bus. I try to find a seat but no one will let me sit next to them. Grat, i can already tell what kind of people they are. Bully's. But i can't let that or them get me down, no!, not on my first day!. I look at a girl and she shakes her head no but i sit next to her anyway, she growls at me "do you mind, fuck off" she says and tries to push me out of the seat, i hold my ground and she can't make me fall. She gives up trying to push me and then stands up "Go Away!" she yells and i keep looking right front of myself like she's not even there. She's making a fool of herself.

The bus stops at school and all the other kids get out of the bus, i follow along. I find my first class and the teacher walks out of the room to talk to me "hello miss blue, you are miss blue west, right?" i smile and nod "yes,that's me" i hold out my hand "what's your name?" i ask and she shakes my hand "i'm miss west way, or you can call me miss" i nod and then she walks back into the class room.

Tobys p.o.v. I look out the window, my mind blank and its like no one is talking. I feel like no one is in the room. Or am i zoned out?, yup i'm zoned out. I like being in thought's. That's a lie, i love being zoned out right now, because i hear no voice's from within and outside world. My attention was brought to the teacher "Class, we have a new--" i zoned out again. Fuck it, i don't need to hear her bullshit, but then i looked back to her and there's a girl next to her. Real cute girl... ."Say hello to miss, i forgot your name..." the girl smiles a beautiful smile and says "blue, blue west" one of the girls in the room yelled "Who cares!, just sit down so we can get out of here!" blue frowns and i found my anger fill me "s-shut u-u-up" i say "What?!" yells the girl and she walks down to my desk and gets in my face "What did you just say you freak?" i growl at her "y-you h-h-heard m-me". She gets out of my face and her boyfriend walks up "hay, calm down jess, he's just a freak" i look down and then he starts to make fun of me "look, i'm ticci-toby!" he starts to fake my ticks and twitches.

"Hay!, knock that off!" blue pushes them aside and away from me, i look up at her and she growls at the girl named jess and her boyfriend "Go back to you seats!" blue yelled and they pushed her back a little and walked off to there seats. She looked at me and shoots a freadly smile twoards me, i didn't smile back, my mind was blank and the voice's were the loudest thing going on in the line of no other people talking, they were looking at blue in shock that she wed ever smile or stick up for me. I don't know why she wed, she doesn't know me and i don't have plans on her finding out about me, ever. I look away from her and back to the window.

Blues p.o.v. Ok, well that was odd... .Not even a smile back. I turn to face miss west way "where do i sit?" i ask "next to toby, if that is ok with toby?" toby looks at her "y-yes, i-its fine" i sit next to him.

Person: so, that's how you met blue?.
Yes, its a day i will not forget until the day i die and i'm with her.
Person: keep going.

Its lunch time!, i wait in line with the widest smile on my face and i hear a girl behind me say lowly to her friend "wow, i have never seen somone so happy about food other then my fat mommy" i turn around and slap the tray out of the girls hands and she gasps "You bitch!" i turn back around as the line keeps moving and i see toby at the back of the lunch room and i frown, he has no food... .After i get my things i walk back to where he is and i sit across from him "hello" i smile and he says in a gruff voice "go away..." i say nothing and open my sandwich. There are too of every food i got and i take my things off my tray and slide it over to toby. He looks down at it and then to me "n-no" I tilt my head "why?" i ask and his hands go to the tray like he wants to eat it, but can't.

"I know you want it, so just go on" he looks at me "n-nothing e-e-elas, n-no bullying m-me?" i shake my head no "i wed never want to hurt you, just..." i trail off "j-just h-help m-me?" i nod and he nods a little. I eat my food and after i got done i look up and saw the food i gave him, was all gone "holy shit" i say and he looks up at me again "w-what?", "you eat that real fast" he shrugs.

After school i was about to just walk alone until i saw toby walking on the street i was on "hay" i say and he nods, we walk together, side by side until we part ways to are own houses. I see my mom "hello blue, how was your day?" i smile "i made a friend"

Ticci-toby love story.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें