Lost memory: 3

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Person: your doing real well toby, your being open with your past life and your not biting off any ears like you did to last guy who was trying to help you. And i have to ask, why did you bite off his ear?.
He was asking one to many things about me and my sister, he thought we were dating... .
Person: gross. Well lets keep going shall we?.

"So what's her name?" my mom asks "not her, a him, and his name is toby" her smile seems to fade "you mean that poor boy across the street?" i tilt my head "yes, how did you know about him?" she smiles a little "his mom walked over to say hi and give a home gift" mom points to the painting on the wall, its a flying boat over a small down "wow" i say and i walk up to my room. My mom knocks on my door "blue?" i take off my headphones "what?" i ask and she opens the door "tobys mom is here, she tuck along toby and his sister. I said you wed be down to join" i sigh "really?, i just want to relax, not be showed off to better the mom on who's kid is better" my mom rolls her eyes "is that what you really think?" i nod my head yes "well you think right, now come on" i laugh.

I walk downstairs and tobys mom was sitting on the coach and toby was next to her and his sister. His sister lighted up win she saw me and jumped up from the coach and drags toby along with her as she walks up to me "Hi!" she says and i smile "hello" she giggles "i'm lyra and this is toby as you know~!" she drags toby out from behind her and holds up his arm like a boxing champion, i laugh "toby doesn't really seem as happy as you do right now lyra" i say and toby speaks up "i-i'm n-not..." lyra rolls her eyes "he's just grumpy because he just woke up" she pinches his cheek a little and he blushes a little "s-s-stop t-that" she giggles "what, a i embarrassing you front of your girlfriend~?" toby blushes more and growls "s-she i-i-is not m-my girlfriend!" lyra smiles evilly "sure she's not~".

Lyra walks off into the kitchen and calls out "You too love birds want anything?" toby says nothing and his tummy growls "yes, there's pizza on the table" i say "COOL!" she says and runs out with the pizza box. We walk up to my room and i sit on my bean bag chair, they sit on my bed and we talk about what to watch "ok, how about something funny?" lyra says and toby thinks about it "h-horror" we went quiet for a little until i spoke up "ok" i say and we watch the horror movie. I hug my bean bag chair tightly and lyra yelped, toby was smiling "p-pussys" he says and lyra punches his arm "be quiet!" i yelp as a monster jumps out and cuts open the girls neck "o-oh g-gosh!" i say and hide my face in the chair "i think the pizza is coming up!" says lyra and she runs off into the bathroom. My mom walks into the room "good god, what went wrong in here?" she laughs "tobys movie idea and eating pizza!" i yell and keep my face hidden in the chair "ok..., well its time for toby and his sister to go home" i sigh "alright" i huff and lyra walks out of the bathroom "its better we go, i can't watch anymore of that movie".

Tobys p.o.v. As me and lyra walk away from blues house lyra smiles at me "that was fun" i nod "i-it w-was" i say and her smile widens "wed you want to do it again?" i look at her "m-maybe" she jumps up and down "i knew it~!" i tilt my head "k-knew w-what?" i ask and she giggles "You like her~!" i roll my eyes "o-only a-as a-a friend" she chuckles "sure~, only friends, for now~" i growl "d-don't p-push i-it". We walk into the house and up to are rooms. I lay in bed and my mind go's back and forth with pictures and memory's of blue and what happened today. All that stuff was just today!, she stuck up for me and we hanged out, that was all today, i wonder what a week wed be like with blue and just me?, wed she make my laugh and smile?, wed she have the day mapped out and every other day after that filled with fun?.

I shake my head, your thinking to much about this toby, she's only been with you for one day. I bet that's gonna be the last one but the fucking thought's about her wed not stop, she's a cute girl with a grate personality. I gave up trying to not think about her and i just layed in bed thinking until i fell asleep.

Person: it seemed like love at first sight.
No, not at first sight. The love comes later, we didn't even hug yet so i didn't know i was in love. Remember what i said about a hug?, the hug i gave lyra was just a hug from brother to sister, the first time blue hugged me, it felt like something more.
Person: this blue girl, she seemed to of given you feelings you never felt before, about anyone.
She's the one who showed me what love felt like.
Person: keep going, are time together is almost up.

Blues p.o.v. The next morning i wake up and see i fell asleep in the bean bag chair and there's a jolly rancher in my armpit, it tastes like green apple. I get up and head to my bathroom, i take a shower and get all of my things together in my bag and go outside, i walk to the bus stop and wait, toby joins me along with lyra. We were quiet until lyra was the first to out burst "Hi Blue!" i jump a little and smile "hello lyra, hello toby" toby nods and the bus shows up. We sit together in the back and talk about the movie we saw last night "oh jeez, i don't want to talk anymore about that movie, i think i feel my pancakes coming up" we laugh.
Win we got to school lyra hugs toby before going to her class and leaving us to are own.

Tobys p.o.v. I smile as lyra walks to her class and i turn to blue who waved as lyra go's into the room, she turned to face me. Out of no where, blue hugs me. I was shocked and taken back. It felt grate, she was warm and her grip was tight, i felt my heart melt and a blush creep up on my face, i hug back tightly and smile widely. She lets go and smiles "lets go" i nod and we get started in class.

Person: well are time is up toby, you did real well today. I think SCP can kiss you goodbye, you are showing more emotions then any other monster in that hell hole.
Thanks, i fell a little better now.
Person: ok, you mite wanna go pick up your little girl from daycare.
I will, bye.

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