The meeting was with the Vice President of the company and the A & R department about the budget to be allocated to the new band, Stargaze. I heard a couple of their songs and they seem to really have the potential. I started this company, 'The Hype Studio' when I was 24. This company is my years of hard work. I put my everything to start this company. More than anything this company was my way of helping inspiring artists. All my life, all I wanted was to be a singer. After facing so many rejections, thanks to all the recording companies that were "not ready to take a risk" or "not satisfied with my talent". I am not bitter or anything but I still believe that if I had been given a chance I would have made it big. I started facing rejections since I was 16. After, I got done with uni, I started working for a records company, 'JNB Records' I started my work as an assistant to an assistant to the head of the Record Label Liaison, so basically, the bottom. They however recognized my talent. No, they didn't sign  me in. They realized that my ability to sing and my taste in music would was pretty much wasted doing what I did. I was able to work my way up and at the end of four years, I was the head of the A & R department.

It was probably day I had started working for JNB, I began dreaming of a day when I could work for 'Amph', the biggest recording company in the US. Those dreams anyway came crashing down when they rejected me. I don't blame them though. I really didn't have that much experience compared to other candidates. In fact, that rejection as what made me turn my life around. I was so frustrated being rejected that I decided I had enough. I took all the money that I had saved up and started this records company. As far as all great brands and companies go, I didn't start my company in a garage. That was because I didn't have one. I started it in my apartment. Today, Hype Records is the biggest and the best recording company in the US. It was so many sleepless nights that made my company what it is today. Through all this, the one person who never lost faith in me was Rach. She stood by me through all the hard times. She married me even when I was dirt poor despite being from a rich family. She never even had her dream wedding because I couldn't afford it. How the hell did I take her for granted?

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain at my bicep. "Ouch!" I scowled at Lucy who was sitting next to me smiling cheekily, "What the hell was that for?" She giggled at my grumpiness. I have these days when I am grumpy. It happens quite rarely but when it does, Lucy always thinks it's hilarious. "The meeting is done. Stop dreaming about doing the nasty with Mathew McConaughey" I looked at her horrified. "Why the hell would I be dreaming about that. I would only dream about doing the nasty with you!" I said, waggling my eyebrows at her. "Eeee!!! But you are so old! Besides, I would chose Mathew any day over you."

I glared at her, "You choose Mathew but I am NOT old." She smirked,  "Whatever helps YOU sleep at night" I groaned. There was never any winning with this girl. I glanced down at my watch and it read 7 pm. "The meeting went on for 5 hours!" Wow! I really just went off, didn't I? "How about we call it a night. Even you need some rest Lucy"

As we walked to the elevator, I began musing again over what to do with Rach. "You know you really have been all out today. What's up? What's bothering you so much?" I looked at Lucy and I thought maybe she could help. I mean, she is a woman. If an idiot of a guy began ignoring her what the hell would she want him to do. So I asked, "If you begin to feel that your boyfriend.." She cut in before I could finish, "I don't have a boyfriend". I glared at her, "HYPOTHETICAL!"

"well, if I had a HYPOTHETICAL boyfriend! I wouldn't let me ignore me. I would keep him  engaged allll day long...If you know what I mean", she said winking at me. I sighed. This was a terrible idea. "Okay! Okay! I am kidding. Stop acting like you are dying and tell me whats wrong with your boyfriend" "I don't have a boyfriend. You know if you keep implying I am gay Rach is going to be very upset."

She laughed, "Okay. I am going to be good. Tell me what's wrong." I took a deep breath. well, here goes nothing. "So if he was... you know ignoring you, taking you for granted and he wants to fix it. What should he do? I mean he loves her, he just got busy. It wasn't right of him but it just happened. I love her too much.. I mean he loves her and doesn't want to lose her. So... what would you advice him?" I looked at her nervously. For some reason, the way she was looking at me was making me extremely nervous, like I was crazy or like she was mentally thinking that I was screwed. I couldn't figure which one. I nervously cleared my throat, waiting for her to say something. She looked away but still didn't say anything. We walked out to the elevator, towards our car. She turned to walk towards her car. I sighed in resignation. Even she couldn't help me. "John!" I turned around. She smiled slowly at me, "Rach really does love you or she would have left a long time back. You want to win Rach back and make up for the lost time, show her why she fell for you in the first place."



2nd chapter is here!! I don't know how good it is so any sort of suggestions and comments is welcome. I really hope more people start reading my book. Well, hope you like this chapter.

Comment and vote please!! Thank you!!!

And picture to the side--->

Bruce Willis as John :D

kRuPa :)

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