"And I like your FCB t-shirt." She raised an eyebrow at him.

She unlocked the gates and led him into the house, instructing him to wait for her in the living room while she went upstairs to go change. 

Aimée was thankful that she was the only one home at the moment. It was early after noon and her father was in the studio, filming the daily sports news that would air later that night. Her mother was probably there with him, or at her parents house. Her sisters would be arriving later, each of them had different things to do for their careers. Aimée knew that if her family was home, they wouldn't waste a second interrogating Milan as though he and Aimée were going to get married rather than just going on a date.


She quickly changed into a floral print dress and a jean jacket that she wore over it. She and Milan left the house and got into a car he had rented from the airport. The radio was on in the car, and Aimée's attention was completely captured when she heard the radio host announce the next song, "Next up, starting off our hour without commercials is Sasha with his song 'La Meva Vida' from his album 'Des del Cim del Món'. Our sources have told us that this Catalan sensation, son of Shakira and Gerard Piqué, is already working on his next album."

"Oh, he sings in Catalan?" She wondered aloud.

Milan gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "He sings in Spanish, Catalan, English..." He didn't really want to talk about his brother, with a girl they were both after. "From the Top of the World is a good album." He added. Even so, he was very proud of his younger brother.

Before the song could start playing, Milan reached over to the radio and clicked on a button to change the station. He had heard his brother's songs so many times that he already knew them by heart. Hearing them on the radio wasn't the same. He was used to hearing Sasha humming the tunes so annoyingly at every moment of the day, belting out his songs in his bedroom, the same line about a million times, until he could hit each note in just the right way. The hours he spent strumming that guitar of his...that was what Milan preferred to hear. The studio version was great, and clean, but the real experience was just better.

He thought that if Aimée could hear Sasha sing for her, then his chances with her would be lost. 


Milan took Aimée back to the airport where he had a plane waiting for them. The place he wanted to take her for the evening was in his home town of Barcelona. It only took them about an hour and a half to get there and there was a car already waiting for them when they arrived. Aimée had no idea where he was taking her, but each time she would ask he told her it was a surprise.

She thought he was probably going to take her to another night club, just as he did the first time. Milan was the type of guy who liked to go to parties all the time. She knew it well. He was always on the cover of gossip tabloids, attending the parties of several of his football friends. The most recent photos of Milan were with Elionor and what he called the Barca Squad, and they were leaving Davi Lucca's house party. 

Davi had been coined one of Brazilian football's biggest disappointments. With a father like Neymar Jr. it was expected that he would be in the best teams in the world. Many had even predicted that he would follow his father's footsteps and become an important player in FC Barcelona. 

But it didn't turn out that way.

He had gone through FCB's youth system. Though he had been kicked out of the team because he was often late to practice, and a lot of the time arrived to practice with a few drinks in him. He also spent most of his free time at parties and had a bad reputation of playing with women. Because of that, he was currently playing in the Bundesliga, in a not-so-pretigious team, with the world still watching him. 

The waiting car took Milan and Aimée to a carnival that had been set up in the clearing at the foot of the mountains of Montserrat, near Barcelona. There were colorful lights illuminating everything, as the afternoon sun set to make way for the moon. There were booths with games and food, and people having fun. 

Milan had the car parked in the dirt lot nearby and got out of the car, rushing around to get the door for her. He helped her out of the car and she smiled wide as her eyes overlooked the entire clearing. It was like a huge amusement park, only it was there temporarily. Aimée guessed it was the carnival set up by a group of gypsies. Elionor had told her it was great and recommended that she visited it, but Aimée had never been able to go. At least now she had someone to see it all with.

"They set up every year, and I thought you would like to come." Milan informed her with an excited smile.

She nodded her head. "Yes! It looks amazing. Thank you for bringing me here."

Milan gave a small shrug of his shoulders, "Its probably not as romantic as whatever Sasha did for you, but I think its the intention that counts. Do you want me to sing for you? I can sing for you if you want." He offered to her jokingly.

Her eyes brightened at his words. "Do you sing too?"

He quickly shook his head. "Not really. I sound horribly off key, Sasha got my mother's musical skills, but I'd do anything for you." He winked at her.

"That's okay." She grinned, placing a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "I sing terribly too."


after so long, there is finally an update for this story. and it took me all day to write this. but i had a lot of fun doing so. i really hope you all like it, and i hope you've been liking the story so far. it means a lot to me.

i hope you all had a great christmas.

have a blessed day!

-clary xx

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