"I'd love to hear it." She said.

The two said their goodbyes and Sasha was on his way. 

Milan returned moments later, but was confused when he saw his brother was no longer in sight. "Where is Sasha?" He asked Aimée, looking around for his younger brother. He hadn't seen him in months.

"He had to go." Aimée informed him. "I think he said he was meeting with one of his producers."

Milan rolled his eyes. "Sasha never has fun. He's always more interested in his music than anything else."

"Well, he asked me out." The blonde informed him with a bright smile. "So that should be fun. And he obviously finds music fun if he made a career in it. I think you just underestimate your brother."

"Mierda," Milan cursed under his breath. "My little brother beat me to it. I was going to ask you out. Madrid girls drive me crazy."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Really?"

"Yeah," He admitted to her.

Aimée shrugged her shoulders. "You snooze, you lose, Catalan." She thought both brothers were handsome, but Sasha had been the one to ask her first.

"There's no harm in going out with me too, and then deciding who you like better." He suggested casually.

She eyed him in surprise. "Yes there is. I just know something like this can't end well."

"Come on," He insisted. "Just one date, that's all I ask for."

"Weren't you dating Elionor though?" Aimée pointed out. She wasn't much into reading the gossip rags online, but when she read the sports news, she often found it plagued with gossip. One of the more recurring ones was that there was a alleged romance between Elionor Bartra and Milan Piqué. The articles were even accompanied by photographs of the two being spotted together.

The rumors claimed there had been a love triangle between Elionor, Milan, and Thiago Messi.

Milan crinkled up his nose. "No. We just pretended because our fathers wanted us to date."

"Mhm, right." She snorted.

"You can ask Eli if you don't believe me." He gestured back towards the tables where Elionor was talking with Thiago.

Seeing that he would probably not be giving up any time soon, she finally agreed. "Okay, I'll go out with you. 

They exchanged phone numbers and spent the rest of the reunion talking. But they had gone to sit around the table with Thiago and Elionor. Soon, the rest of their siblings and friends joined them while their parents carried on their own conversation nearby.

By that night, the families that lived in Barcelona had gone home. Toni and his family had been invited to spend the night at Marc and Ashley's home. 

Elionor and Aimée were sharing a room together, while the rest of her family were in different bedrooms in the house. They were both laid down on Elionor's bed, looking up at the ceiling when Eli said to her friend, "I saw you talking to Milan and Sasha." The dark haired girl had tried to make her voice sound casual, but she was worried about this ending badly for her friends.

"I really like Milan because he's so cute and funny. And he asked me out." Aimée sighed, an enamored sound escaping her lips as she talked to her friend Elionor. They were having a sleepover, just like when they were little girls, the two like two school girls talking about their crushes.

Elionor smiled at her friend's words because she knew Milan well, they had grown up together, they were like siblings. Though at one point, Milan's father had wanted them to date and eventually get married. But the two only saw a sibling in one another, and Milan had fallen in love with Aimée from the first moment he saw her. If Aimée had decided to be with Milan, then she would support them. She wanted her friends to be happy.

"Date Milan," The Catalan girl encouraged. "He's a great guy, and I'm not just saying that because he's like a brother to me."

"I thought you and him had a thing." Aimée pointed out.

Crinkling up her nose, Elionor replied, "No! God, no. I mean, Milan is a good looking guy. But I'll never see him as more than a brother."

"But then Sasha..." Aimée mused, biting down on her lip. The two brothers were so different from each other, and yet both had captured her attention, and both were interesting to her.

"What about Sasha?" Elionor shot the blonde a look.

"He's so innocent and sweet. He asked me out too." Aimée explained with a smile.

"I don't want you hurting Milan and Sasha." Elionor warned her best friend. As much as she loved Aimée, she loved Milan and Sasha just the same. And she didn't want her friendship with Aimée to be ruined if things went bad. "You have to pick one of them."

"See, that's the thing..." The blonde admitted, rather embarrassed, "I liked them both. And Milan just asked for one date. He wouldn't stop insisting."

"Why did they have to fall for the same girl?" Elionor groaned, her eyes looking up to the ceiling.

Aimée gave a shrug of her shoulders. "They said Madrid girls drive them crazy."


new chapter for this story. 

so now bad milan trying to take his brother's love interest. there will be some brother drama later. i hope you all liked the new chapter. thank you so much for reading. it means a lot to me.

i love you.

-clary xx

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