Turning around, disappointed that his story was interrupted, my dad glanced upon me with a look of disgust. Instead, he just continued on with his story.

"Like I was saying..." He started.

"James honey" my mom said kissing his cheek "Why don't you introduce our guest"

He angrily blew breath out his nose before saying "These are our neighbors Michelle and Anthony. Now as I was saying..." He started yet again

"Babe please" my mom whispered into my fathers ear.

"Please what?!?" He yelled making everyone jump at his immediate change in emotion. "What do you want me to fucking tell them??? Oh this is my daughter who decided she was to good to associate with her parents??? Huh??? Is that what you want me to tell them???" He said staring straight at me with nothing but venom in his eyes.


"Please excuse me...but I think it's best  I call it a night" he said before quickly storming off.

"I'm so sorry about that" my mom said showing her guests out, as I just stood in the same position I did when I first entered the kitchen.

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, as my fathers words replayed in my head. I didn't want to cry because I brought this upon myself but...damn!

Rushing over to the kitchen chair, I quickly sat and covered my mouth to hush my sobs. I knew something like this was gonna happen...

When I heard the front door shut I hurriedly wiped my tear stained face, trying to put my best poker face on.

"Tea?" My mom asked making her way back into the kitchen.

"Oh-um n-n-no thank you" I croaked out.

"I'll make you cup anyway" she said smiling at me, causing me to return the gesture.

After she filled the kettle up,she lit the flame, bringing it to a boil.

"So" she started, giving me all of her attention.

"I um-" I started nervously licking my lips. "I wanted to stop by b-because I-I w-w-was wrong! A-a-and you w-were right!" I said letting my tears fall. "You were always right" I said tucking my lips "and now I realize that. And I'm sorry...for everything" I said standing up and gathering my things.


"No" I said shaking my head holding in my cries "I don't want to cause anymore problems"

"Isa plant your ass in that seat!" My mom said raising her voice.

Obeying her wishes, I took a seat in the chair.

"Where is all this coming from?" She said sighing.

"Mom-I...Right now I just need you and daddy" I said crying harder.

"Isa, calm down. Now tell me what's going on" she spoke calming me down

"He left me for another w-woman! H-He's having a baby!" I said in between tears. "I listened to him...I-I stopped talking to my family when you and daddy only had my best interest at hand. A-and I regret every moment of it"

My mom didn't even bother to say anything...she knew exactly what I needed...a Hug

"It's alright. Let it all out" she coached, rubbing my back in circles, as I did just as she said.

After a few minutes, I was finally able to get it together.

"Thank you" I whispered in a hoarse tone

"That's what mothers are for" she said softly smiling, getting up to make the tea.

After handing me my cup, that I gladly accepted, we sat in a comfortable silence.

"Listen Isa..." My mom said breaking the silence. "I don't hate you. I'm highly disappointed, but I don't hate you. Gosh! I love you so much babygirl!" She said blinking back her tears. "I'd never want you to go through anything like this. And I want you to know that I love you! And that I'll always be here for you!"

"You really don't know how much that means to me!" I said getting up to embrace her.

"As for your father" my mom said getting back to the matter at hand "just give him some time...he'll come around" she stated nodding her head.

After sitting and talking for a couple hours, my eyelids started to get heavy with sleep.

"Isa honey" my mom said shaking me awake

"Mmm..." I said lifting my head up, not even realizing I fell asleep.

"Why don't you stay the night? It could be like old times...back in your old room" she offered

Seeing as I felt drunk with sleep, I simply agreed and stayed the night.

After reaching my bedroom my mom insisted on tucking me in.

"Goodnight Isa" my mom whispered in my ear, before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight Mama" I said half smiling, before dozing off


I know...I know but I finally updated


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