Cupid's Dagger

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And he gets the girl. I smile for him, I know he loves her. I'm horrible. I look down at my feet then back at him, I force a believable smile."Is she here yet?" He asks eagerly, I roll my eyes. "I haven't seen her," I lie. "Nervous?" He's shaking from excitement. "Are you kidding?!" He asked me, almost jumping up with glee. "She's my girlfriend!" He almost screams. I roll my eyes, "yeah, I know. So is this the 4005th time you said this or 4006th? I lost count." He glares at me then the huge grin returns to his face. Gag. Finally, she shows up, and the room seems to lighten. "Jade," Eric announces. They kiss and the room crashes. Not literally. "This guy is obsessed with you. Can you please stop using your little charm on him?" I ask her with a smirk. She rolls her eyes, "jealous?" She almost makes it seem like she's one of those obnoxious cheerleaders with their quarterback boyfriends. (Which technically she kind of is except he's the captain and she's not a cheerleader) "Yes Jade, I'm so green with envy." I shake my head. We both laugh but Eric's too busy in Jade-land to notice the conversation. I smile at Jade, "I mean... at least he's not a total loser." I tell her, he looks at me and frowns. She laughs, "at least." The bell rings, and I'm a little too enthusiastic to leave them, except.. "Where are you going?" Jade asks me, her eyes narrowing. "We have first period together, remember?" I flash my teeth without smiling. "How could I forget?" "El, are you okay?" I look at her and do a small laugh. "Yeah?" She doesn't believe me, but she doesn't push it further either.

After class, Jade and I part ways. "Ellllliieeeee," I look behind me, Claire. "What do you want, Claire?" I groan. "Your girlfriend has a boyfriendd" she sings. "Why are you singing, that's not even a song." I say bitterly. "Not one that you know." She snarks. "Claire." I stop her from doing the whole "Ellie is so hopeless" scenario. "Don't you wanna talk about it?" I pause for a second then look at her. "No." I reply shortly and start walking off. "And she's not my girlfriend." I grit my teeth and walk off, she stops me. "Ellie." She finally has a serious tone in her voice. I wasn't about to break down into tears or something that made me seem more hopeless than it already was. "Claire, it's fine." I tell her, which my voice did not agree with me. "Damnit." I cuss under my breath. "Come on, Ellie. We both know that it's the total opposite definition of fine."
"Oh look, class." I glare at her. "Lunch." She told me, and I already knew what that meant.

It was lunchtime, and the part of the day I actually dreaded for the Claire-Ellie girl-talk. "So?" Claire asks, her eyes bulging. We sit on the edge of the school building. "How does it make you feel?" She tries to counsel me, but it really just irritates me. "You do know I hate Dr. Phil, right?" She does a fake gasp. "Shocker! Tell me more." She says with genuine sarcasm. "Claire just... leave. it. alone." I beg her. "Fine, but let me get this straight, the girl that you've fawned over since you were like 10 has just gotten the greatest guy in the world of dating. He's like- in love with her." She cringes at the word. "Don't get me started." I tell her, trying to act like I don't care. But I do. "I mean, you can just sit idly by as she never notices you, fine by me." I clench my jaw. "Okay, okay... you know what Claire? It hurts. It really fucking hurts. But do you know what I'm going to do about it? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because I can't do a fucking thing." I stand up. "And you really need to shut up- just shut up. Seriously, it's annoying. Why are you even smiling?! Stop it." She stands up too. "See? Now you've told me." I'm about to scream. "And you know what? That's not even the least of it. I know her. The kind of knowing it takes like 50 years to accomplish but I just do. And so does he! God, shut up Claire." I shoot her evil looks, but it has no effect. I sigh. "And the worst part is, is that I can't. I can't like her. Because he's a really great guy. And well..." I laugh bitterly. "Look at me." I mumble, but Claire still hears me. I scream. Then she looks at me and laughs. "Now let's hope that the whole school doesn't think I tried to murder you." I actually laugh. "Thanks." I tell her, we grab our stuff then head down the steps.

And this is the part where I find out my actual feelings. While we walk down the stairs, I stop. "I love her." I tell Claire. "Yeah, I know." She laughs, but grabs me to walk so we won't be late for class.

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