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I strolled down the hallways, to others I may have just looked totally casual, but I swore every step closer to her was my heart beating a little faster. I knew if I had stopped my steps right now, it would probably be the end of my heart beating as well, because if I gave up before seeing her, that would be it. Nothing. No chance, just another moment that could have been- but wasn't. I'd hate it. But then, I see her. Right there, and she's a killer, everyone knows and she knows it, and she fucking shows it.

The only thing that separates me from every other guy out there is the fact that I've known her since we were 10. Me, Ellie, and Jade would always meet up and go play. Every day I could see Jade, and the excitement felt like adrenaline and she was like this ball of light that lifted everyone. It was kind of like the Romeo & Juliet verse. "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." It was safe to say, I was in love with her.

I don't know how it happened, it just did. Like it was always there, she was beautiful, but hidden away. I arrived right behind her, tapping on her shoulder. She jumped, taken by surprised, then turned around. "God, do you always have to scare me like that?" She asked, frowning. "God, yes I do." I told her, with a grin on my face. "I have to tell you something during lunch, can I drive you somewhere for lunch?" I ask her, looking hopeful. She shrugged and gave me a kind smile, "I don't see why not." I cheered making it obvious, and I was hoping the blush on her face was real and not just some makeup. "Gotta get to class, some of us don't skip our classes like you two." She glared at me then Ellie. Ellie just winked at her, then I waved at her and she walked off.

"Hey captain," Ellie greeted me with a salute. She laughed a bit then continued, "now that you're the football captain, are you going to confess your undying love to miss dense? I swear, you two must make the perfect couple. Mrs and Mr. Dense, I see it in bold, now." She motioned in thin air, and I laughed. "If it's you asking, then yes, I am." I told her, proudly. She bit her lip, "how do you think that's going to go?" I sighed then forced myself to smile. "Well, I always hope for the best." I announced, she nodded and let out what seemed like a fake laugh. I could hear her mumbling something out of her mouth, but I didn't catch it. "What?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes. "Nothing." She smiled.

"On a roof?" She asked me, giving me a look as if to ask if I were completely insane. "You want to eat lunch on a roof?" She asked me, raising one eyebrow. "Not just any roof," I assured her. "The roof of your old house." I gave her a smirk. "Not to rain on your parade or anything, but it's been evicted." I took a turn into her old driveway, only to see the shock on her face. "Do you remember your 14th birthday?" I asked her, while we got out of the car. "The year my mom got completely wasted and told me we couldn't afford the house anymore because the week before because dad..." she didn't finish. "Yep... but that day, you, me, and Ellie sat on your roof not saying a word. Because we knew you, and it always went best when we didn't say anything." I climbed up onto her roof by her old room's window and she sat beside me. We didn't eat our lunch from a cheap fast food place, we just sat there for a moment not worrying about the time or school. "The thing is, I wanted to say something even before that day." She looks at me, a little worried. "Jade, I like you. No- I mean, I really really fucking like you." Even though I knew I loved her, I was just scared that I would scare her. She looks at me without speaking, she moves in closer, and before I know it, our lips our touching. Her eyes are closed, and her black hair moves swiftly with the wind. When our eyes open, I notice her eyes, I notice how they're this light blue, like they've always been there, but I've never seen them like this.

Then, we go back to school, except this time, we're holding hands in the hallway and everyone's eyes are averted towards us. And it feels amazing, amazing because it's real, and everyone can see us, and we're it. But the only thing that brought me back to the real world was her eyes, her eyes, it still held some kind of longing. Longing for something, somewhere, or someone. I used to think it was me, but now I think it's something else... Someone else.

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