Chapter 2

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I see Jessica come into my room with a man with red hair and what seems to be his wife. OMG!!!!! That's Gerard Way!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMFG!!!!!! So, that would make the lady Lynz.

"Melody, this is Gerard and Lindsey. They are interested in adopting you." Jessica says.

I wave. Ugh, I hate my social anxiety sometimes. He waved in return.

"I'll leave you guys to get to know each other." Jessica says as she walks out the door.

"Okay, I'm I'm Gerard way and this is my wife Lynz and we are interested in adopting you." Gerard says,"why don't you tell us a little about."

"O-okay, well my name is M-melody
G-grace and I've l-lived here s-since I was b-born and have never had a real
f-family." I stuttered out.

"Do you play any instruments or any thing artsy?" Lynz asks me.

"Um, yeah I play guitar, piano, bass guitar, violin, viola, cello, drums, orph instruments, banjo, mandolin, and I sing, dance, act, and draw." I say with confidence. I love the arts. It's my only escape from life.

"Wow, your name fits you. Well, we are going to see some other children. See you soon Ms. Artsy." Gerard tells me. They walk out the door and Jessica is out there waiting for them. I wonder why they left after only 2 questions. Maybe they don't like me. Yeah, that's probably it. How could someone like me be likable?

A/n: Hello!! Hope you enjoyed this part any way I'm going to try and update this everyday so yeah.

Song of the Day: Migraine by: Twenty One Pilots

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