So I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm sure she's just a little overwhelmed that's all, but you should talk to her to make sure she's alright and it's nothing serious." I said. Niall nodded his head, taking my words in and letting them process. "I think I will, maybe tomorrow I'll head over there and have a proper talk with her." He looked up at me, a look of satisfaction on his face and eyes no longer watery.

"Thanks, Liam. I can always count on you to trust." He patted my back and gave me a genuine smile, before receiving a text from his mum saying he had to head home and doing just as he was told. I was left alone on the sofa feeling like I had just witnessed a murder. I absolutely hated keeping secrets from anybody who was important to me, and it was making my stomach flip with guilt and mind tumble with thoughts of Niall finding out, his bright eyes filled with tears. And I would be blamed for not telling him in the first place, for violating his trust.


That word rang through my mind over and over again like a broken record. Niall trusted me to be a good friend, but I was only keeping something from him that could possibly ruin his friendship with Harry and Jesse, or even me.


"Harry, where's Ann?"

I asked Harry from my spot next to him, propping myself up on my elbows. We had been sprawled out on the sofa since 10 AM watching old Disney films and eating junk food, it was now two in the afternoon and we had only gotten up for bathroom breaks and to get more food. This was what I called a lazy day.

"I think she said something about spending the day with Louis' mum. She might be out late so we have the whole day to ourselves." Harry wiggled his eyebrows at me and winked, as I giggled at his hormonal teenage mind. I swear he had his hands on me somewhere at all times, whether it is my arm or thigh or back; he had to be touching me. It sounds weird like he's just doing it because he's horny -which is the case sometimes- but most of the time he doesn't even realize he is, it's like an instinct. He also does it to be protective, which I think is incredibly sexy.

For instance, we were at the mall last weekend and this bastard kept checking me out while we were in one of the shops. I just rolled my eyes and scoffed, giving him death glares to show that he needed to get lost, but it was like something clicked in Harry and all of a sudden he was being super protective over me. He kept his arm locked around my waist while looking directly at the guy the entire time with narrowed eyes. He reminded me of a werewolf in a way, how they're portrayed to be protective over their mates and make sure everyone knows not mess with you. And also because I'm pretty sure that I heard him growl under his breath once or twice.

"Do you want to watch Tangled or Lion King?" Harry asked, holding up the two films in either hand. I thought for a moment; both of them were amazing movies that I'd watched maybe a thousand times, but I'd seen Lion King a thousand times more than Tangled since it was older, so I pointed to the film in his left hand.

"Tangled? That's what I was thinking, too."

He grinned before popping it in the DVD player, taking his seat back next to me. I curled up next to his warm body, my head on his shoulder and hand placed gingerly on his chest, as he threw a blanket over the both of us that concealed us in a cocoon of warmth.

I soon felt tingles go through my lower thigh, by my knee, as Harry's hand gripped it lightly and began to draw circles into my skin with his thumb. It was gentle yet strong, kind of like Harry.

Throughout the film, Harry's hand stayed on my thigh the entire time. But I could feel it start to slowly rise up and up, and when I looked over to him he was only staring at the TV as if he was unaware of his actions, so I just shrugged it off and continued watching Tangled. Wondering why I couldn't have long and luscious hair like Rapunzel without even washing it at all, but then I quickly reminded myself that it was only a movie and no one in the world has ever had hair like that.

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