Riley's POV
"Can you tell me your name?" Dr. English, the twins and Asia's doctor for yers quizzed Caius. I had brought him her this morning while Heather had agreed to drop me off and take the other two to Jumping World which I was highly thankful for. I needed evaluation, help, faith.
"You already know my name. I been here before." Cai sassed as he sat on the couch next to me and rolled his eyes.
"Yes but I forgot. Tell me it again, please. Full name."
"Caius King.. Hawkins." He spoke.
Dr. English smiled and nodded. "Okay thank you Caius. You're five years old now, your nickname is Cai, you like football, you don't eat meat, and your favorite person in the world is your mom. Is all of these facts you told me last time still true?"
Caius hummed for a second, then shook his head negatively. "No."
"Which one isn't true?"
"My favorite person isn't Mommy.. It's Daddy."
My head snapped down at him yet he still looked at the doctor. Dr. English and I made eye contact, the look he gave me was almost if to tell me to calm down. Thankfully the doctor doesn't know exactly who his father is.
"Why is he your favorite person?"
"Um.. because.... Um... I can't tell you with Mommy in the room."
Dr. English looked at me, Caius looked at me. I let out a quick, sharp breath and stood up to walk out.
Dr. English's POV
"Okay, she's gone. Let's talk about your father. Why is he your favorite person?"
Caius looked down at his lap. "We do fun things together all the time."
"Really? Like what?"
"Well every night he comes to my room and we get in his car and we go to this house."
I placed my pen to my chin and watched Caius's movement when he scratched his head or his eyes went up when he thought. "Where is this house?"
"I don't know. I can draw a picture of it for you. I'm good at drawing sometimes."
"Maybe another time Cai. Tell me what happens at this house that you guys go to."
He poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue like he was contemplating. "Well there's this room and there's a bunch of guns there, and we have to pick one and then we go and kill people."
"And uh... which gun do you pick?"
"The big one. Daddy said I'm really good at the big one."
I leaned forward, my arms on my knees as I made eye contact with him. Caius smiled friendly at me and then looked down at the paper and crayons I had provided him with before we started. "And who else is there with you guys, at that house, in this gun room?"
The red crayon moved rapidly in his hand as he answered me. "Sometimes Asia, that's my sister. And other people but I can't see them good cause it's dark."
"Who do you kill with your father? Do you know these people? And how do you do it?" I hoped that me asking too many questions at once wouldn't throw him off, but he was a very smart kid, I always appreciated when he cooperated because it was a lot of work to open him up.
"Once we went to this building and there was this boy in a room and I shot him in his head." Caius laughed and kept drawing. "Daddy told me I shoot the best."