New years eve

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'5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!' Everyone shouted as we watched the fireworks in London from the TV in Paul's living room where we had spent the past few hours partying. As all the cheers went up John and I stood hand in hand and then kissed to the sound of the fireworks which gave me goosebumps all over.
'Happy new year darling!' John whispered into my mouth, 'Happy new year baby' I replied doing the same as we kissed and danced the night away and of course wished all the others a happy new year too.
Paul, Stu and Stu's girlfriend were all getting a bit drunk alongside John, George, Pete and his girlfriend who were only on their second round which could only lead to a bad situation. John continued to hold me close to him as we danced slowly and I felt so safe in his arms until I felt someone pinch my bottom from behind and I knew it wasn't John as his hands were linked behind my back. I spun around startled to see who it was 'John! Someone just pinched me' I exclaimed realising he already saw that clearly it was Paul. His face changed as he turned to face Paul, 'oi Paul! Did you touch my bird?' He shouted right in Paul's face, 'John calm down!' I yelled and tried to hold him back but he got free from my grip, 'McCartney! Keep your fucking hands off her!' He continued in an aggressive way that I new John possessed. All the time we were at the party I had pains in my stomach which got worse and worse during the shouting until I folded down onto the floor. 'Fuck off Lennon! it was only a joke' Paul counteracted but still no one noticed me on the floor until I moaned in pain, 'Jade! Are you okay?' George asked as he ran over to me and crouched beside me to the sound of another moan, 'John! John!' He shouted until John turned around and came to sit beside me in a panic, then everyone noticed. I was in a lot of pain and everyone could clearly see that, 'call an ambulance someone!' John yelled and pointed to the phone with one hand and held my hand tightly in the other, 'John, I'm having the baby' I managed to whisper through the pain. Everyone was shocked and panicking except for Paul who was calm and helped the most. He knelt down by my legs and gently spread them apart and bent my knees so I was in the right position to give birth, 'the ambulance is on its way' he reassured 'keep breathing slowly and stay as calm as you can' he continued making me feel a little less nervous. I managed to open my eyes to see John holding my left hand, George holding my right hand, Stu's girlfriend and Petes girlfriend kneeling beside me encouraging me, Stu and Pete sitting by John and George on either side and Paul getting ready to deliver my baby. The pain was immense and I was in tears and sweating a lot through the screams, 'push' Paul shouted and I did so, squeezing John and George's hands in the process, and I continued pushing until Paul said 'It's coming'. By this time I was ready to do it, Pete had phoned the ambulance and Stu's girlfriend had put a towel over my legs and one underneath me and Paul had pushed my dress up and removed my underwear ready to deliver. John looked very pale out of the corner of my eye but Paul was still doing well. I felt the head come out and then the rest of the body then I saw Paul holding my beautiful baby boy, 'John would you like to cut the cord?' He asked a pale John who seemed hesitant but did so anyway then he cradled our baby in his arms before letting me hold him, 'welcome to the world' I whispered as another pain shot through my stomach just the same as the ones before and I winced in pain. Paul looked under the towel and announced 'there's another one' which came as a shock to all of us, I didn't know I was having twins. The process repeated again but more painful this time but the sight of my baby boy made it a bit better, he was lying in George's arms wrapped up in a towel while I squeezed on Johns hand some more. 'Nearly there now. Keep pushing' Paul said more calmly than the first time and I did what he said until it came out, a beautiful baby girl. Paul wrapped he up in a towel and I held her close to my chest as John did the same to our baby boy and everyone came to coo at them. John kissed my forehead 'well done honey, you did great! And just look at these two, aren't they stunning?' He said happily rocking the baby back and forth in his arms, 'John I can't believe it!' I whispered because my voice was sore from screaming, 'I know, they're wonderful! What are we going to call them?' He asked as I caught Paul's eye and smiled at him. We hadn't really thought of names but I'd always liked Julia for a girl which was also Johns mothers name and Harry for a boy, or John maybe, 'what about Julia and Harry?' I suggested to everyone and saw a huge smile creep across John's face 'yeah that's prefect' he said softly and leaned into me, 'and the middle name should be Jane for Julia after your Mom and Paul for Harry because our Paulie delivered them' John said and everyone cheered, especially Paul. That moment was fantastic and I knew that they were John's because they looked just like him. John pulled me close to him as we cradled our babies and cuddled one another, our perfect little family.

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