You've got to hide your love away

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'Mom, i'm home' i yelled as i threw my bags down on the sofa and turned on the TV. I would love to tell my Mom about John but we don't have that kind of relationship, i would find it embarrassing and weird to tell her.
'Hi Honey, had a good day?' She asked as she came down the stairs with a basket of washing, she always looked over worked and tired. I smiled and replied ' Yeah it was okay, how was your day?'
'Tiring and hard, but someones got to do it.' She said as she sat down on the sofa and watched a bit of TV with me, and continued 'I met the family from number 20 today, the McCartneys, they seem nice and they have a son the same age as you. What was it? Peter, Mike, Stu...'
'Paul' i cut in, blushing a bit because i knew what was coming next.
'Yes! Thats the one. I bet he's a nice lad, nice for you' Mom said as she nudged me. I always feel so uncomfortable in those situations, especially as i've never had a boyfriend before and my Mom knows that and she wants to change that but maybe i'm just not ready.
'Not really Mom' i said as i looked at the ground and blushed a bit.
'You know he lost his mom a while ago, bless him' She said after a couple of awkward silent seconds.
'Really?' I suddenly felt sorry for him, i've got to admit he seems alright i just haven't spoke to him yet but maybe i should.
'Yeah, poor thing.' Mom sighed as she got up and carried the washing basket back into the kitchen and i just sat there thinking about John and then Paul and then John again.
After about and hour of daydreaming there was a knock on the door. 'i've got it' my Mom shouted as she went to open it. I snook forward to see of i could hear who it was and what they were saying, i really hoped it was John.
I heard a soft and friendly voice, it was familiar but i couldn't put a finger on it.
'Hello Mrs Terry, I'm Paul McCartney, would Jade like to come for a walk with me to park'
Paul it was Paul, why did he want to take me?
'Hi Paul' Mum said in a friendly tone 'She will have to get ready but i'm sure she would love that.'
I ran upstairs and got out of my uniform and slipped on one of my dresses, a yellow one and then i brushed my hair and put a bit more mascara on. When i got downstairs i saw Paul sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea.
'Hi' he said as he put his tea down and walked over to me 'You look lovely.'. I could feel myself blushing as we walked towards the door. 'Thanks, where are we going?' I asked as i waved to my Mom from the driveway.
'Sefton park if you like' He smiled and we walked down the road chatting away.
When we arrived at the park we were somehow holding hands but it felt right and we had really gotten to know each other in the 20 minute walk. Paul told me all about his family and his life and i told him about where i used to live and he seemed really interested in me, as i was in him.
'Its beautiful out here isn't it?' He said as we sat down on the grass.
'Yeah' i replied 'thanks for bringing me.'
I looked into his beautiful big brown eyes and saw all the pain yet kindness he possessed, i must have been staring for a while because he said 'everything alright?'
'Oh yeah' i replied turning my head sharply the other way 'i was just thinking'
'Oh, about what? Me being so beautiful?' We both chuckled and Paul's hand crept over into mine and i held it tight.
'I guess but i'm going to the party with John' i blushed as i said it and Paul knew that, but it wasn't bad or good really. I really liked John and i have done for ages so I should be grateful he is taking me but as for Paul i actually had a real conversation him so i know i like him, with John its more hoping that we get well.
'Well he's not going out with you is he?' Paul said trying to let me know that it was okay to be out with him, which i guess i knew was true.
'Yeah but i really like him, i mean i fancy him but...'
Paul cut off my sentence and planted a soft kiss on my lips. My first kiss. I must have looked startled because he apologised and said 'bad timing'
'No actually, perfect timing, i liked it' i smiled at him eagerly and he did it again but this time more passionately and for longer and he had his hands the sides of my head and mine around his waist, it was bliss. I was kind of in awe for a while because that was the first time I had kissed someone and it was a pretty big deal, I couldn't wait to tell Bridgette.
'You okay?' Paul asked after the kiss,
'Yeah I'm just surprised that's all. That was my first kiss you know' I replied feeling instantly embarrassed but Paul just smiled and said 'your first kiss was a pleasure to experience' then we both giggled and began to chat again like we had been before.
Although I really like Paul and after what just happened I knew that we would just remain friends and I was happy with that.

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