Chapter 4

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Jack POV:

I went downstairs when I got tired of looking at the same room. There were only so many things you could watch on daytime television without blowing your brains out and I'd hit my limit.

I didn't want to intrude too much with Alex and Lisa's life because I knew she already didn't like me being there.

But then I remembered that I don't like her, and I want her boyfriend. So it was time for me to stir up some trouble.

They were cuddled up on the end of the couch when I went down the stairs. They looked all cute coupley and shit. Then Alex looked up and me and smiled as I sat next to him on the couch. I draped my legs over him and let my feet barely brush Lisa's leg on the other side.

"What're you guys watching?" I asked, looking at Alex and ignoring Lisa's death glares to the TV screen that I knew were meant for me.

Alex shrugged, "Some show Lisa likes."

"It's called Four Weddings and it's a great show," she smiled sweetly at Alex and touched his chest, "Gives me lots of good ideas for us."

"You guys are engaged?" I asked quickly.

"Not yet."

"No." Alex said over Lisa's words. She looked at him annoyed, then back at me, "Well, that's where a stable, healthy relationships eventually lead."

Alex continued to look at the stupid TV to avoid acknowledging her.

She smirked at me, "Maybe one day you'll have that, Jack."

That dirty bitch.

Alex looked at her with shock, just as I did. But she looked at me as if she'd won. Oh, honey. You have no idea. It's only just begun.

"Yeah," I muttered, "Maybe."

"That was rude," Alex spoke up.

"What?" She said back in a tight defensive voice, "I'm just saying-"

"Yeah well what you're saying is really fucking bitchy. He just broke up with his boyfriend," he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "That's a horrible thing to say."

I just sat back and watched as her whole form crumpled down. I would've bet money that Alex was going to do the whole 'say you're sorry' thing like a parent would, but he didn't unfortunately. She looked at Alex apologetically but the look didn't continue over to me.

I didn't expect it to.


One night a few days later, when I actually decided to stay in my room he came up to find me. It was really nice to know that he liked having me around that much.

"Hey," Alex said, peeking his head through the door, "Whatcha doing?"

I shrugged, glancing up from my phone, "Nothing I guess. Just tumblring."

"Sounds great," he said halfheartedly while walking into the room and shutting the door after him.

"Oh yes," I replied, going back to my phone. Sometimes tumblr was so addicting. There was stuff for everybody on there. From bands to theories of life to weird fanfiction, there's gotta be something. Its this wonderful place where people can become communities and-

My thoughts were interrupted by Alex throwing himself onto the bed beside me and shaking my phone in my hands.

"Damn it, Alex!" I yelled at him, "You made me scroll all the way back to the top!"

"Oh no!" He yelled back sarcastically, "Not the top!"

"I know! Now I have to scroll all the way back down!" I screeched, "Do you even know how deep I was?!"

"Oh jeez," Alex whined with me while chuckling, "How deep?"

"So deep!"

"What ever will you do now Jack?"

I turned off my phone and turned to him, "Oh my, I don't know. You've basically just ruined my whole life."

"Obviously," he agreed.

"But maybe I could like talk with you now since I have nothing better left."

"Whoa! No way!" He said enthusiastically, "I'm honored!"

"Hey now, slow your roll there buddy. I haven't made up my mind yet," I bumped his shoulder slightly.

He gave me an amused look, "Mhm, you know you want to hang out with me."

"I... I don't know about that."

"Yeah right, you love me," he said wrapping his arms around my entire body.

I wiggled my way out and tackled him back on the bed, "You wish."

He smirked, "More like, I know."

"You know nothing young Alex," I said still on top of him.

"Dude! I'm older than you!" He pointed out, pushing me off of him.

"Maybe in literal time but my soul is older than yours," I said matter-of-factly.

"What drug are you on Jack?"

I shrugged, "A little bit of all of it."

"Oh, see, that explains it," he smiled at me softly, "You really outta not do that though. I heard taking all that shit could make your dick permanently flaccid."

"What?" My head snapped up, "That's not true."

"Eh, I wouldn't worry if I were you. You don't have anyone to bone anyways."

"Um, yes I do. Are you kidding me?" I retorted quickly, "I bone everyone."

"You bone no one anymore."

"I'll bone you if you don't watch out," I said, only half joking.

He shoved my shoulder but didn't respond to the comment, which led me to believe he didn't have a problem with the proposition.

"So, what do you want to do?" Alex asked after a comfortable moment of silence.

I grinned and shrugged, "Whatever you want."

He dramatically sighed, "Ughhgghgh, come on Jack, give me something to work with."

"Well," I said in an overly seductive way, running my hand along his thigh, "I did suggest one thing that could be good for the both of us."

Alex laughed, "Yeah right. I'd be the one boning you if anything, fucker."

"I'm in," I replied quickly.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he said, "Shut up, Jack."

"If you say so," I said leaning back against the pillows, "Offer still stands."

He laughed but I'm sure he didn't realize I was all too serious.

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