Prince Levi x Princess Reader pt. 3

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After the 'demon' incident, Eren was granted a place in the royal army as a Demon Hunter in Squad 23D. You were happy that he was at least in a higher rank than a stable boy. Eren's story quickly spread across the kingdom.

"I'll miss you (F/n), come visit me okay?" Eren said saluting to your departing carriage.

"Of course Eren, I'll visit when I can. Goodbye for now, take care!" You replied back. You turned around to face the front as Levi closed the curtains of the carriage. He held your hand and your leaned your head on his shoulder. It's going to be quite a ride to his palace.


"OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Is it really (F/n) (L/n)?!?!" A very excited maid squealed as you walked out of the carriage still clasping onto Levi's hand.

"Beat it Hanji, don't scare her." Levi scolded at the lady with glasses. Her dress wasn't like the others', here was red with a white apron while the others' was black. Her dress swept along the floor and the others just reached their knees.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you Hanji." You smiled politely.

"This is Hanji, your handmaid, she will take care of all your needs and you can summon her whenever you require anything whether it's food or you need a change of clothes etc." Levi explained leading your down the long aisle of flowers that ends at the gate of his castle. "You will also meet Sasha, your personal chef and Connie your baker. They are married by the way so don't question me about their relationship," you giggled at that comment. "You will see them around the great hall preparing meals and stuff like that. Then Mikasa, she will be your trainer."

"What?! Trainer?!" You spluttered.

"You will need to learn some self defence. I heard you're good at hunting, and she's good at all sorts of stuff. Top in the kingdom's ranking in fencing, archery and hand to hand combat. She is a nice person too so you should get along." Levi explained. You started to think that living here with him wouldn't be too bad after all. "In times when I'm not around, Reiner will be your bodyguard. Nice fellow, got a good sense of humour and also, my best mate. So you will be safe here, I promise."

"Then there is Mina, your seamstress. She is sweet and shy so it may take some time for her to get used to talking to someone fairly new but don't worry, she is amazing and if your can dream of a dress, she can make one for you." Levi smiled "Historia is your personal nurse, if you're injured in any way or you're feeling unwell, she is the person to go to. I hope you don't see her often though, not because I don't like her, she's a sweet lady, but because I don't want you injured."

"You're sweet Levi." You smiled squeezing his hand a little, he squeezed back.

"There's a bunch of others but I'm not going into too much detail, you're tired, I'm tired, I'm going to show you to our bedroom okay?"

"Okay." You yawned suddenly feeling exhausted. The sun was already setting making his white marble castle look gorgeous. He lead you down a collection of corridors and a few flight of stairs until he reached  two huge white marble doors. The doors were carved with amazing detail. The border of the doors were carved into the shape of roses and in the middle, there were a Phoenix, an eastern style dragon, a western style dragon and a huge Python. Each dragon represents a kingdom, these are the four major creatures. There are other creatures like Fish and Cats and Lions that represent smaller kingdoms known as Clans.

"It's beautiful," you gasped. "The details are inhuman!" That made Levi chuckle a little.

"You adorable little Phoenix!"

"Hey, just because my seal is a Phoenix doesn't mean I am one!! But then again, they're pretty cool." You considered. Levi chuckled adorably and pecked you on the cheek.

"Are we going in or are we going to spend the night staring at the door and flirting?" Levi asked adding in sarcasm you've never seen him use.

"I think we can spend the night here no?" You flirted back but your next sentence was cut off by a deep, passionate kiss.

"Whatever you want baby." He smiled.

You never considered, or even thought of marrying him when your father engaged you. But now, you were the happiest princess alive, he treats you like a precious gem, precious, fragile, hard to find. He made you feel existent. You couldn't thank your father enough.


I'm sorry, that chapter sucked. I'm travelling at the moment so updating is a little hard especially finding wifi and time etc. I will update when I can and if you guys want to, follow me on Instagram: mai.mai.xy to be up to date with my holiday ☺️

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