Reader x Best friend Levi pt. 2 Preview

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"Would you stop being an arse?!" You shouted to the back of his head sounding hurt. Your heart was pounding a million miles per hour and tears were stinging your eyes. Your head was spinning in the fear of losing your most valuble friend and possibly, your future boyfriend.

"I've been trying to keep a distance because of the fear if me being stupid and losing you! You are the most important perosn in my life and losing you would be the end for me. Sometimes I ask myself what I mean to you. You treat me like trash sometimes but I get over it because I know that's who you are. but what about me? You can't even stand me not talkking to you. What can I do to make you happy?!" You yelled at him tearing up. 

He stopped and turned a little so he could see you from the corner of his eye. you felt the presence of an audience buikding up but you didn't care. At least no anymore. 

"Your point?" Levi spat.

"My point is that why can't you accept me the way I am? I know you don't have to but is it too much to ask since we were 'Friends since Forever'? Huh?" You yelled in frustration. Levi, now turned around and facing you completely, just shrugged.

"I don't get you, girls are so problematic." He sighed shaking his head. That made you crack.

"You're sick! You freaking dick!! I hate you! You dick!! I hate you. I thought we were going to be friends forever just like we vowed together. What happened to 'We will grow old together?' and 'We will get married someday?' Huh? HUH? You liar, you sick cruel person. I hate you. Where was the Levi I once loved?" After your tantrum, you stomped off the opposite direction not know where you were going. You wiped your tears away and kept running.


Hey guys I know I haven't been a very nice author for giving you guys cliff hangers and previews but guess what? Its the Holidays! Which mean I will be updating more often!! yay! I'll brb with the next part asap!!

And also, please read this PLEASE because I am a person who doesn't read author notes but anyway, I will be writing other fanfics if you guys want me to so yeah please comment below:

Thank you so much for all the nice comments!! I love you guys so much!! Stay awesome!!

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