12:18am levixreader

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I am running, running away from everything. From home, from school, from people who I called friends, from him. Him. My hot breath swirled in the chilly night air and disappeared. I pulled my black hood over my head covering half of my face. The night was getting colder and only colder it will get. I kept running.



I don't know where I am. It's too dark to see anything. The lights of the main road had faded into the distance and the only light was from the moon. I'm freezing as I stopped to catch my breath. My body was sweating but I am shivering. I heard a wolf howl in the distance.



There was absolute darkness. I'm trying my best to write down everything I can. I can't see anything but the moon and faint outline of the hills. Where I am heading.



I've spotted some lights from the hills, maybe a cottage? Campfire? I'm heading towards it. I'll find the source of it. Then I'll write everything.



I have found the source of the light. A small cottage with a huge piece of farmland. I wonder if kind people live there? it's too late to knock but the light is on, should I knock? Nah.



I found a barn next to the cottage and made friends with the stallions. They may be horses but they have feelings, they nodded when I spoke to them! oh and yes, there's a light. A small oil lamp but it's enough. I shall write down everything:

My boyfriend Farlan, died last night at 11:43 due to a car accident. I loved him so much, we hardly had any time to ourselves since my parents disapprove of me dating. I wished he was here with me, we planned to run away together but perhaps God disapproves. I'm crying. The horses neighed and nudged me as if saying that they're here for me. It's so warm,I'm getting tired.



Wow I fell asleep in the barn! It was so nice and warm. Who knew hay made nice beds? The animals have fallen asleep alongside me! A small duckling who only just started growing feathers seemed to find warmth under my crossed arms and was now sleeping. How cute!



i heard a howl wtf? It was legit right outside the barn. OMG I'm so scared....The animals except for the duckling coz I accidentally woke it when I was writing, were still asleep. I'm pretty sure I locked the barn door behind me but I'm not sure.....I hope it doesn't come in here I swear.



Dawn is approaching. I can just see the streaks of sunlight painted in the skies through the small dusty window. It's still really cold but the small duckling gave me the small amount of warmth I needed. I can still hear the wolf wandering around outside so I am not daring to move.



Scratching could be heard! WTF I'm so scared rn, what if it comes in?!?!? I'm dead for sure. But then again, I'll be able to meet Farlan again....I won't mind. Just don't eat me alive gosh!



The sun is up now, the warmth is seeping through the window. The duckling feel asleep again and I'm starting to wonder when the farmer gets up and feeds their animals. I think the wolf is gone now since I can no longer heard rustling outside.



I heard footsteps Omg footsteps. People! I am not alone in this place!



It was a young lad! One young lad who owns this whole farm! He was so surprised when he saw me like 'OMG WHERE DID THIS HUMAN COME FROM'. He is so nice! He had like raven black hair and shining grey eyes! He looks like no farmer, he looked like a flipping CEO at a famous company or something! Like even the way he dresses as well, black slacks and white button up shirt? Fancy.

He made me lunch, a small wheat bread sandwich with avocados and cheese. It's not what I'm used to eating back in the city but its better than nothing since I haven't eaten since last night. He also gave me a dark red jumper and track pants for me to keep warm. He started a fire in his living room and let me stay on the couch next to it. He's so sweet.



He took me horse riding, he taught me how to collect barley, taught me how to look after the animals and the farm. He was a darling but he still hasn't told me his name.....I wonder why.



I'm going to take a nap.



Wow WTF?! I slept for that long?!?! I've looked around the house but I can't seem to find him. I am certain it wasn't dream because I also wrote about it. Unless I can write in my sleep, I'm sure everything is real. He is real.






The front door just opened on its own I am scared out of my soul right now. What is happening and OMG...A FlipPinG Wolf! StarInG aT Me!!!! HelP mE I aM GoiNG To DiE.....Wait....why is it just standing there and looking at me....It's eyes.....same as him.....the young man who helped me....StoP ComIng TOWarDs Me BRUh You'RE GoiNG tO Eat Me......BRUH



He changed.....In front of me. There he stood. One minute wolf, the other man......He told me his name was Levi. I think I'm in love.....

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